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Всичко публикувано от sand0

  1. http://www.realgarant.de/1024.aspxВ Германия някаква фирма застрахова стари коли механиката
  2. http://automobiles.honda.com/fit-ev/?SP_RI...&FROM=EMAILhttp://automobiles.honda.com/fit-ev/?SP_RI...&FROM=EMAILВсъщност е ФИТ
  3. Отговарям на заглавието: КАЛАШНИКОВ!
  4. Интересно ми е ако 5W-30 Хонда беше 15-20лв на литър, бихте ли го предпочели пред мобил, кастрол.. и така на татък? А масло за ръчни скорости? Каква би била поносима цена за оригинално Хонда?
  5. Омбре ти ли имаш? Някой от сервиза ти като звъннах каза че няма.А Бултрако от 3 седмици си го купуват и още го няма.
  6. Има ли някой или някой сервиз с инструметн crowfoot / патешко краче 19 и 14 ??? За смяна на горивен филтър на ШАТЪЛ/ОДИСЕЙ.
  7. Въпроса е как да го направим да харчи с 30% по малко от метановата уредба С да пестиш от бензин 30% е глупаво при положение че си има газ за тази работа.Как да накараме метановата уредба да харчи още 30% по малко е големият въпросТ!Тоест от пръдня боя как да направим.
  8. Не си човъркат щото не ги 3б3!!!Щото карат средно 60000км колата за целия и живот.А в щатите защо не??? Ми щото не ги дерат с акциз колкото в европа.Че то по голямата част от горивото е акциз под налягане.За щастие до този месец пускта този месец НИСАН LEAF!! EV
  9. При прелюда незнам ка ке но при А4 са обърнати за мъгла и за задна светлините
  10. Моя грешка така е Не се казва на запален. И няма да промени стойноста на потенциометара това че го запалва.Той тротъла си е МЕХАНИЧЕН. Този потенцометър е за обратна връзка към ЕКУто. Да знае аджеба какво стана.Което ме навява на спомени За Сциона ми дето е драйве бай жица. Там вече жицата управлява дросела а не жило от педала на газта
  11. Завръщането на ЗиЛ: РЕзил
  12. lamer да те питам след като са ти дали стойности и на фул тротъл защо да мери само на загасен
  13. The "Run your car on water" brigade - HHO You might have come across ads on the web - maybe even ones that Google have fed to this very page - claiming you can buy a kit to make your own car run on water. As a matter of fact you can, and it uses high school physics to do it. It relies on simple electrolysis - the process of using electric current to dissociate water molecules. The resulting gas is oxyhydrogen (sometimes called Brown's Gas or HHO). It's what is used in some cutting torches. With a little fuel-line plumbing and some basic handyman skills, you can fit such a device to any engine, fill the extra tank with water, and be generating hydrogen in no time. The gas is fed into the combustion chamber along with your normal fuel-air mix and for the most part, I believe it will actually give you better gas mileage. However - remember that you use three times the amount of energy to extract hydrogen from water as is contained in the resulting gas. The law of conservation of energy means you're not getting anything for free. In the case of these kits, you're using electricity from the car's battery to generate the hydrogen. A lot of electricity. Enough that it will add increased load on the electrical system, which means more load on the alternator, which means more drag on the engine to turn the alternator, which means a less efficient engine. And that right there is the divisive argument that splits the car camp in half. Some people are also so convinced that the internal combustion engine is so efficient that nothing we can do that would reduce power would make up for this reduction, and as such refuse to even consider the possibilities. They find it difficult to get past the losses introduced by the electrolysis of water into hydrogen as stated above. Well yes, obviously the energy in the hydrogen itself will be less than that lost in its production process, but this misses the main point, which is the vastly improved efficiency in the combustion of the liquid fuel this hydrogen causes. But how can this be? Well look back to the video at the top of this page. During combustion, the fuel burns rather than explodes in the piston, which means that quite a bit of the energy is released after the piston has already accelerated downwards, or even when it reaches the bottom. As such modern internal combustion engines are extremely inefficient at converting liquid fuels to usable power. This is why the introduction of a gaseous fuel with a much higher flame front, especially hydrogen, can make such a difference in fuel economy. Hydrogen's flame front speed is so high it effectively does explode, so the addition of just a few percent of it in the mix ensures that virtually all of the liquid fuel's energy is actually turned into power - a short, sharp "bang" that pushes the piston down with great force, dramatically reducing emissions in the process. Wow! Genius! So if this glorified high school experiment really works, why hasn't it been taken up by the car manufacturers? Well unfortunately you don't generally see this kind of radical improvement on modern vehicles (at least without substantial additional modification) due to the ECU system. You can learn elsewhere on this page that the ECU has maps set up to ensure the car works in a certain fashion. When you introduce extra oxygen into the tailpipe (either with the hydrogen when produced by electrolysis, or because of a more efficient combustion process) the computer thinks that you're running too lean and hence increases the amount of fuel going into the vehicle - so you end up with more power, but not necessarily a better fuel consumption. For HHO systems to work in practice requires serious modding of the whole electrical system and ECU on more modern vehicles (see chipping and remapping). Also, an efficient hydrogen electrolysis system itself costs a few hundred dollars to construct. Naturally that means there are plenty of dodgy operators out there on the internet selling cheap systems that have little or no effect in your vehicle in the real world, especially if it is ECU controlled. For a true hydrogen generator setup, you need deep pockets. If you want to read more on this topic, there are papers available for purchase, most notably the one by researchers at a Turkish university who showed that HHO generated on-the-fly using a vehicle's own power source, improved efficiency of combustion in 4 carburettor vehicles by so much that overall fuel usage dropped by up to 40%. That paper was published in the International Journal of Hydrogen Energy in 2000 and is available here: Fuel economy improvement by on board electrolytic hydrogen production. Thanks to Peter K Campbell for pointing me in the right direction on this topic. Read more: http://www.carbibles.com/fuel_engine_bible...l#ixzz14ogv3DQl
  14. Правиго колега. Бях пуснал линк защо работи по икономично с малко водород.http://forums.hondabg.com/index.php?showtopic=53205
  15. Виж Лексус РХ400 хибрди той е с 12.5виж го него с какъв го дават.
  16. Zarik от клъстера ли ти зависи червената зона )) ако е така си го направи от 10 000 оборота да почва !!!Даже за да го направиш да хвърчи смени цифрите на километража по две !!! примерно когато си с действителни 100км/ч да ти пише 200км/ч
  17. Ще се дърпаме ли?? За какво му е куката Без двигател ли е Иначе е красиво и скъпо
  18. Продавам детонационен датчик (knock sensor). оригинален на ХОНДА парт номер 30530-P5M-013 Цена 120$ ОЕМ 30530-P5M-013 ползвал съм го 1 месец цена 70лв
  19. Пауза. продадоха се. Но пак ще имам така че ако някой е нетърпелив да пише да го имам в предвид.
  20. Mаслени филтри оригинални ХОНДА производител FILTECH (TOYO ROKI) САЩ и ALLIED SIGNAL 15400-PT7-005 (ALLIED SIGNAL USA) x19лв броя 15400-PLM-A01 (FILTECH TOYO ROKI) x19лв броя Масло за автоматични скорости ХОНДА ATF-Z1 оригинално. Цена: 9.45литра x22лв За всяка пълна смяна на автоматични скорости са нучни 3*2.5литра (три последователни смени за пълно изчистване от старото масло). на лични за поръчка
  21. The learning key is for rewriting the immobilizer system.NOTE: This key cannot start the engine; do not use itexcept for rewriting the system. If someone tries tostart the engine with the learning key, all master andvalet keys must be relearned.The immobilizer system can store up to five key codes.• If it is necessary to rewrite the immobilizer control unit to learn a new key, the dealer needs the customer's vehicle, allits master keys and valet keys, its learning key, and the Honda PGM Tester equipped with an immobilizer programcard. Any key that is not learned during rewriting will no longer start the engine.
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