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Всичко публикувано от fenabg

  1. А другите какви ги карат? Пенсиенери ? Не че там риска е по малък ама.......
  2. колегата е точен, не се е покрил, просто на няколко дни 1 път гледа форума, ще пише със сигурност Тук май грешката си е чисто моя а не в колегата ,не знам защо съм ги пуснал ама .....здраве, с Радко сме се разбрали.
  3. http://forums.hondabg.com/index.php?showto...%BA%D0%BB%D0%B0Тука някой е питал вече ,дано ти е от полза.самоче за хеч е са го видях Ники извинявам се
  4. Най бързата която съм карал ПОРШЕ ,ама бавно /горе долу/ ,а при каква скорост,след 190 почвам да мисля по друг начин........ как ще спирам!
  5. Поради това че се захванах да си събирам кола за мен се наложи закупуването и на два акорда седан 1986 и1987г. за части! Това което ми остана: Почти оборудвано купе 1 БР Ходова част от акорд с а16а1 не съм проверил имат ли разлика с а20ката Врати ,оледала 2бр ляво и дясно. Двигател а16а1 разглобен бутала и коленов вал перфекнти съвместими с EZ мотор 1,6 Карбуратор от а16а1 и а20а1 Носачи . Пружини. . Рейка от а16а1. Греда/магарето/ от а16 май нямат разлика с а20 и б20 серията но не съм сигурен! Задно стъкло, и страничните. 4БР ГУМИ 195/60/15 http://bg.fotoalbum.eu/fenabg/a365761 100 лева. 2 бр. джани лети 13'' по договаряне Табло от а16 с въздуховодите комплект, нямам часовниците. Броня предна . Повечето пластмаси от оборудването ги имам и ги ПОДАРЯВАМ . Преден, заден капак ,решетката между фаровете, преден десен фар ,и заден ляв стоп са продадени. Цените народни Пращам по еконт Тлефон за връзка 0898520997 . не съм описъл всичко питайте
  6. Браво бе аз се боря с акордеона ,вие на италианско преследване ,миткото знам че е участвал с б18 ката ама как е завършил,разбрах че е водил в калсациите ама......... Ето я и новата придобивка. Вече колекцията е от три и проекат май е към своя старт.а и кратуната за а20а2 е намерена 16 винтила двама вала хеи я на : П.п да не ми се попилеете довечера
  7. Теро знаеш че я тъсих за теб тая кола ,накрая да ти кажа и мен ме е яд за нея ,много изтинска хонда . Ето и снимките по които mischaiko си купи кола без да я е виждал на живо Със здраве да си я караш фен Красота!
  8. Цял ден се чудя как се е развила дискусията и като гледам май казуса е разрешен ,че спада на температура в определени граници ,а по точно И това което е показъл колегата vartan на снимката е нормален, и термостата не е за смяна/както казахме АЗ и ТЕРОРИСТА в началото/ а после като чета и други колеги. Но не вярвайте на това което съм писал защото не разбирам грам от коли /сериозно/ ,и хонда съм виждал на снимка , камоли термостат. Лично мнение с което не ангажирам никой! Всички съвпадения и прилики с действителни случки , температури и писания са случайни . П.п Много хубава тема и диспут се получи . П.п2 Ники заден десен габарит не ти свети затова ти спада температурата ,нямаш товар на динамото и от там на двигателя . ;) Шега besniq Не са спорове а разискване по даден въпрос ,поне аз така го приемам дано и останалите .Но и ти си прав някаде из помежду спора се ражда изтината .НА каква цена е друг въпрос. Аз съм до тук.Живи и здрави. ПО темата .
  9. с 1. съм съгласен точно това имах предвид и азс 2. не съм, ако температурата отделяна при изгарянето в цилиндрите не е достатъчна тогава не знам как загрява тая кола зимата /Да ама говорим на различни езици май? на празен ход без никаква оптекаемост на насрещна въздушна струя СТУДЕНА примерно на вън е 3 градуса ,и какво значи загрява? до 20гр. ,до 50гр. ,85гр. да го уточним! с 3. да отнема се топлина но е толкова незначителна че стрелката едва ли ще я отчете при дебит на помпата от около 20 литра за минута при 1000 оборота (много груба сметка) излиза че водата минава през радиатора на парното ей така между другото което значи че няма как да се охлажда от там./ А колко литра въздух минава през парното и по точно през перката на парното за една минута ,при хиляда оборота на двигателя (много груба сметка). ще ти кажа толко колкото и при 6000 ама температурата отделена в двата случая е много различна. п.п. поправена грешка.поправено и уточнено.
  10. ЗА пореден път се обеждавам че се чете изборно а май не се чете sebulba утре ще отскоча до тайгата с акорда да видя дали ще има парно ,а колко разбирам си знам аз, и ми е пре достатъчно за сега ,за после има книги . Да сте живи и здрави /закон на живота/ ,и нищо лично/закон на фена/. TipoMan и моето фиатче не загряваше зимата . П.п Дайте да пуснем тема за основен ремот ;)
  11. Да ви попитам нормално ли е , когато се спускам по наклон около 500 метра с вклучено парно и температурата да пада Това е въпроса на колегата за тези които сега идват.
  12. температура на неработещ двигател : В тайгата - 30 ако не е пален примерно 3 дена Току що изгасен 85 градуса Лятото навън е 40 на сянка ми около 35 Това са примери все пак не съм ходил в тайгата А нормална ли е циркулацията на течност и нали тя се променяше при промяна на оборотите или бъркам? П.п лятото ще се оправи парното споко pitbuls ти сам каза големи баири ,а не на свободна! Какво ще регулира термостата ако колата или по точно охл. течност е под 50 градуса примерно ,
  13. Има верен отговор : а :термостат с вграден нагревател б: парно от запорожец то е на бензин с: печка на твърдо гориво d:да чуете какво ви се говори в края на краищата Как ще загрее като няма от какво ,а на всичкото от горе се охлажда принудително? И на свободна нали трябва да имаш достатъчно отделена топлина за парното . Застуде " още малко и на загасена кола като пада температурата пак сте за термостат "
  14. Напълно съм съгласен ама 65 години ''''''завещание'''''' няма до какво друго да ни доведе . Утре какво ни чака.......? Дете
  15. Е хубаво ,ако съм знаел да съм го направил! То без да ги копирам от кадето и да било,няма как да си ги изсмуча от пръстите .Поне съм си направил труда да ги извадя подредя и постна да ги има нали.Ето от тук са :http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honda
  16. ей тука една глава си пилиме в светата обител моята работилница /склад/ Митйо се грижи за отоплението ,измръзнахме та съм болен сега. :lol: Мисля че часът и мястото на срещите са известни и подходящи за сезона ,та предлагам, за сега така : Неделя,19:00,МИСТРАЛ П.п Крис пак ми се губиш
  17. Ще кажа сдледното :1 -никой неказава какви са последиците след тия тестове ,гледах и тоя в морската вода 2- каде е уловката?3-москвич 12ка му източихме маслото и издържа 8 минути без масло и той ли е с тоя препарат? много се съмнявам4-шкода 120 малко повече от московеца но го отдавам на това че спукахме картера та да изтекло по бавно.5-Друго като е толкова добър ''препарат'' има ли някой които да направи тия тестове на личната си кола тук в бг?6-имах фиат уно като му пилихме главата бяхме разместили и запушили /по невнимание / тръбичките за мазане на рзпределителния вал/там па какъв е филм/ изкара окло 60 колометра преди да стегне вала безвъзвратно.Ако московеца го бяхме изгасили на 5та мин. и сипали масло можеше и да уживе за извеснто време.Сега пак ше се почне с филми и приказки кои колко разбира ,ама досега щяхме да караме с тая щуротия .П.п на един приятел на басейна не му бяха сложили стъклото на осветлрнието и там без препарата беше посветило доста преди да гръмне.
  18. ;) :lol: и в Габрово се прочухме Добре дошъл фен виш темата ,ела довечера. На лични сам ти пратил номера ми
  19. http://forums.hondabg.com/index.php?showto...%BB%D0%B8%D0%B4http://forums.hondabg.com/index.php?showto...%BB%D0%B8%D0%B4http://forums.hondabg.com/index.php?showto...%BB%D0%B8%D0%B4http://forums.hondabg.com/index.php?showto...%BB%D0%B8%D0%B4Има още писано е по въпроса много
  20. Нали знаеш че б18ка за тестове има ,са остава като сложа духалка да го дръпна и аз /не е сигурно де/ и Митака ше земе да я запали /в буквалния смисъл/ ,последно го одвея та му уби мерака.Между другото тоя маховик за който говорихме от донора е по лек
  21. Са ше видиш като излезне проект малооумна д13 . Диалога е на ниво бе теро през месец два ама като всяко наало! Главата е готова само земи скоба да я дооправим утре след обяд. П.п МИТЙО белия лебед може ли да го водим до София утре да си взема резрвния двигател. П.п Жоро я по скоро да ги сборим с моята напролет П.п2 Аз ще карам за долния пост АЗ имам за сега
  22. Утре 19:00 Мистрал няма да повтарям На МИТЙО главата :lol: са и не му трябва Фен да не забравиш скоба
  23. Пак малко като преди но дано върши работа: A серия 16A1 The A16A1 was a carburated 1.6 liter engine used in 1986-1989 Accords and Vigors outside the North American market. This engine was known as the EZ in 1984 and 1985, non-US Accords. Specifications Carbureted Displacement: 1,596 cc (97.4 cu in) Bore: 80 mm (3.1 in) Stroke: 79.5 mm (3.13 in) Power: 88 hp (66 kW) @ 6000 rpm 91 ft•lbf (123 N•m) torque @ 3500 rpm [edit] A18A The A18A engine was the 1.8 liter engine found in 1984-1987 Honda Prelude in the US. Outside North America, it was also available in the 1986-1989 Accords. It was known as the ET1 in the 1984 and 1985 non-US Accords. Specifications Carbureted Displacement: 1,829 cc (111.6 cu in) Bore: 80 mm (3.1 in) Stroke: 91 mm (3.6 in) Power: 110 hp (82 kW) @ 5800 rpm 112 ft•lbf (152 N•m) @ 3500 rpm [edit] A20A The A20A was available in both carbureted and fuel-injected versions. They were found in both Accords and Preludes throughout the 1980s. [edit] A20A1 & A20A2 The A20A1 and A20A2 were the carbureted versions of the A20A engines. It was available in the 1984-1987 Honda Preludes as well as the 1982-1989 Accord DX and LX. They are the same engine, the only difference between them being that the A20A2 has no emissions components, so it has a slightly higher power output. Specifications Exhaust: 4-1 Cast Manifold Induction: Carbureted 2bbl Keihin ( Feedback Carb ) Displacement: 1,955 cc (119.3 cu in) Bore: 82.7 mm (3.26 in) Stroke: 91 mm (3.6 in) Power (A20A1): 98 hp (73 kW) 109 ft•lbf (148 N•m) at 3500 rpm [edit] A20A3 and A20A4 The A20A3 and A20A4 were the fuel injected versions of the A20A engines. They were run by Honda's PGM-FI system on a partial OBD-0 computer. The A20A4 gives a slightly higher power output because of not having emissions components. The A20A3 was offered in the 1984-1987 Honda Prelude 2.0Si, the 1989 Honda Accord SE-i, and the 1986-1989 Honda Accord LX-i. Specifications PGM-FI Displacement: 1,955 cc (119.3 cu in) Bore:82.7 mm (3.26 in) Stroke:91 mm (3.6 in) Power: 1986-1987: 110 hp (82 kW) @ 5500 rpm & 114 ft•lbf (155 N•m) @ 4500 rpm 1988-1989: 120 hp (89 kW) @ 5500 rpm & 122 ft•lbf (165 N•m) @ 4000 rpm (12 valve) Б серия JDM B16A Note: All JDM B16A engines are stamped 'B16A' (with no number after the "A" to identify version). VTEC Found in: 1988-1991 JDM Honda Integra RSi/XSi (DA6/DA8) 1989-1990 JDM Honda CRX SiR (EF8) 1989-1990 JDM Honda Civic SiR/SiRII (EF9) Displacement: 1,595 cc (97.3 cu in) 1.6 liter Compression: 10.2:1 Bore: 81.0 mm (3.2 in) Rod/stroke ratio: 1.745 Power: 160ps (118kW) @ 7,600rpm & 15.5kgm (152 Nm) @ 7,000rpm Redline: 8100 RPM Transmission: S1/J1/YS1 (4.4 final drive, cable clutch), Y1 (4.266 final drive, cable clutch, optional LSD) ECU code: PR3-003 (DA6/DA8), PW0 (EF8/EF9/DA6), ODB0 Found in: 1991-1994 JDM Honda Civic Sir/SiRII (EG6) 1991-1993 JDM Honda Civic Ferio SiR (EG9) 1992-1995 JDM Honda CRX Delsol SiR (EG2) Displacement: 1,595 cc (97.3 cu in) 1.6 liter Compression: 10.4:1 Bore: 81.0 mm (3.2 in) Rod/stroke ratio: 1.745 Power: MT: 160ps (118.kW) @ 7,800rpm & 16.0kgm (156.91 Nm) @ 7,300rpm (AT: 155ps (114.0kW) @ 7,300rpm & 15.6kgm (152.98 Nm) @ 6,500rpm) Redline: 8200 RPM (AT: 7700 RPM) Transmission: S4C/Y21 (4.4 final drive, optional LSD) ECU code: P28 (EG2), P30 (EG2/EG6) ODB1 Found in: 1995-1998 JDM Honda Civic Sir/SiRII (EK4) 1995-1998 JDM Honda Civic Ferio Si (EK4) Displacement: 1,595 cc (97.3 cu in) 1.6 liter Compression: 10.4:1 Bore: 81.0 mm (3.2 in) Rod/stroke ratio: 1.745 Power: MT: 170ps (125.04kW) @ 7,800rpm & 16.0kgm (156.91 Nm) @ 7,300rpm (AT: 155ps (114.0kW) @ 7,300rpm & 15.6kgm (152.98 Nm) @ 6,500rpm) Redline: 8200 RPM (AT: 7700 RPM) Transmission: S4C/Y21 (4.4 final drive, optional LSD) ODB2 [edit] B16B (Type R) VTEC Found in: 1997-2000 JDM Civic Type R[EK9] Displacement: 1,595 cc (97.3 cu in) Compression: 10.8:1 Bore: 81 mm (3.2 in) Stroke: 77.4 mm Rod/Stroke ratio: 1.84:1 Rod Length: 142.42 mm (5.607 in) Power: 136 kW (185 PS; 182 bhp) @ 8200 rpm & 16.3kgm @ 7500 rpm Redline: 8400 rpm Rev-limit: 9000 rpm Transmission: S4C With Helical LSD (4.4 final drive, dual-synchromesh on 2nd, 3rd and 4th gears) Vtec engagement @ 6200 rpm ECU code: PCT kk Note: This engine uses the same block as the Integra Type R, which is taller than the B16a block, but with a crank the same stroke as the b16a. It uses longer rods to accommodate for this, which is why the Rod/Stroke ratio is higher than a standard B16. [edit] B16A1 VTEC Found in: early crx civic integra1.6i-VT (EE8) Displacement: Template:Convert/aa 1.6 liter Bore×Stroke: 81.0×77.4 mm (3.19×3.05 in) Compression: 10.2:1 Power: Template:Convert(160hp) @ 9000 rpm Torque: 111 ft•lbf (150 N•m) @ 9000 rpm Redline: 8500 rpm Transmission: y2 [edit] B16A2 VTEC Found in: 1992-2000 Honda Civic EDM VTi (EG6/EG9 & EK4) 1992-1997 Honda Civic Del Sol EDM VTi (EG) 1996-1997 Honda Civic Del Sol USDM "VTEC" 1999-2000 Honda Civic USDM Si (EM1) 1999-2000 Honda Civic CAN SiR (EM1) Displacement: 1,595 cc (97.3 cu in) Bore×Stroke: 81.0×77.4 mm (3.19×3.05 in) Compression: 10.2:1 Power: 160 hp @ 7600 rpm & 118 ft•lbf (151 N•m) @ 7000 rpm Transmission: Y21 or S4C Redline...8,000 RPM Rev Limit...8,450 RPM VTEC Engagement...5,500 RPM [edit] B16A3 VTEC Found in: 1994-1995 Del Sol VTEC Displacement 1,595 cc (97.3 cu in) Power: 118 kW (160 PS; 158 bhp) @ 7,600 rpm & 118 ft•lbf (160 N•m) @ 7,500 rpm Redline: 8,200 RPM Transmission: Y21 [edit] B16A4 VTEC Found in: 1996-2000 Civic Si-RII (JDM version) (EK4) Displacement: 1,595 cc (97.3 cu in) Compression: 10.4:1 Power: 125.04 kW (170 PS; 168 bhp) @ 7800 rpm & 111 ft•lbf (150 N•m) @ 7300 rpm Redline: 8200 rpm Transmission: Y21 Note: Only offered with SiRs with manual tranmissions. [edit] B16A5 VTEC Found in: 1996-2000 Civic Si-RII (JDM version) (EK4) Displacement: 1,595 cc (97.3 cu in) Compression: 10.4:1 Power: 130 kW (177 PS; 174 bhp) @ 7800 rpm & 111 ft•lbf (150 N•m) @ 7300 rpm Redline: 8000 rpm Transmission: Y21 Note: Only offered with SiRs with automatic transmissions. [edit] B16A6 VTEC Found in: 1996-2000 Honda Civic VTEC (EK) Displacement: 1,595 cc (97.3 cu in) Compression: 10.2:1 Power: 118 kW (160 PS; 158 bhp) [edit] B17 [edit] B17A1 VTEC Found in: 1992-1993 Integra GS-R (DB2) Displacement: 1,678 cc (102.4 cu in) Bore: 81 mm (3.189 in) Stroke: 81.4 mm (3.205 in) Rod/Stroke Ratio: 1.63 Rod Length: 132.28 mm (5.208 in) Compression: 9.7:1 Power: 160 hp (120 kW) @ 7600 rpm & 118 ft•lbf (159 N•m) @ 7000 rpm Came equipped with the YS1 cable trans, which was different than other cable B-series transmissions as it has a different input shaft. [edit] B18 [edit] B18A The B18A is not considered part of the modern B-series family. This engine shares many characteristics with the B20A/B21 See Honda B20A engine. Non-VTEC Found in: 1986-1989 Accord Aerodeck LXR-S/LX-S (Japan) 1986-1989 Accord EXL-S/EX-S (Japan) 1986-1989 Vigor MXL-S (Japan) Displacement: 1,834 cc (111.9 cu in) Compression: 9.4:1 Bore: 81 mm (3.2 in) Stroke: 89 mm (3.5 in) Dual Keihin Carbs Power: 100 hp (97 kW) @ 6100 rpm & 128 ft•lbf (164 N•m) @ 4700 rpm Transmission: A2N5, E2N5 [edit] B18A1 NON -VTEC Found in: 1990-1993 Acura Integra usdm "RS/LS/GS" (DA9, DB1) Displacement: 1,834 cc (111.9 cu in) Compression: 9.2:1 Bore: 81 mm (3.2 in) Stroke: 89 mm (3.5 in) Rod Length: 137.01 mm (5.394") Rod/Stroke Ratio: 1.54 Redline: 6500 rpm Rev Limiter: 7200 Programmed fuel injection Power: 90-91 Only: 130 bhp (97 kW) @ 6000 rpm & 121 ft•lbf (164 N•m) @ 5000 rpm Power: 92-93 Only: 140 bhp (100 kW) @ 6300 rpm & 126 ft•lbf (171 N•m) @ 5000 rpm Transmission: 90-91: A1,S1, cable Transmission: 92-93: YS1, cable [edit] B18B2 NON-VTEC Found in: 1994-2001 Acura Integra "RS/LS/GS/SE" (DC4/DB7) Displacement: 1,834 cc (111.9 cu in) Compression: 9.2:1 Bore: 81 mm (3.2 in) Stroke: 89 mm (3.5 in) Rod Length:5.394in Rod/Stroke Ratio: 1.54 Power: 142 hp (106 kW) @ 6300 rpm & 127 ft•lbf (172 N•m) @ 5200 rpm Redline: 6900 rpm Rev Limit: 7200 rpm Transmission: Y80/S80 [edit] B18B3 NON-VTEC Found in: 1994-1996 Honda Ballade 180i/E Displacement: 1834cc Stroke: 89 mm (3.5 in) Rod Length: 137.01 mm (5.394 in) Rod/Stroke Ratio: 1.54 Power: Redline: 8000 rpm 130 hp (97 kW) @ 6900 rpm & 123 ft•lbf (167 N•m) @ 5000 rpm 140 hp (100 kW) @ 6300 rpm & 127 ft•lbf (172 N•m) @ 5200 rpm Transmission: Y80/S80 [edit] B18B4 NON-VTEC Found in: 1996-2000 Honda Ballade 180i Displacement: 1,834 cc (111.9 cu in) Compression: 9.2:1 Bore: 81 mm (3.2 in) Stroke: 89 mm (3.5 in) Rod Length: 137.01 mm (5.394 in) Rod/Stroke Ratio: 1.54 Power: Redline: 7200 rpm 142 hp (106 kW) @ 7000 rpm & 127 ft•lbf (172 N•m) @ 5200 rpm Transmission: Y80/S80 [edit] B18C SPEC R VTEC Found in: 96-98 JDM Honda Integra Type R DC2 96-98 JDM Honda Integra Type R DB8 Rev-limit: 8500 rpm Fuel cut: 8800 rpm Power: 200ps (147.10 kw) @ 8000 rpm & 18.5kgm @ 7500rpm (96 spec) 19.0kgm @ 6200 rpm (98 spec) Transmission: S80 with Helical LSD S80 spec: 4JHD (96specR & 4.4 final drive), NE3 (98specR & 4.785 final drive) Displacement: 1,797 cc (109.7 cu in) Compression: 11.1:1 Bore: 81 mm (3.189 in) Stroke: 87.2 mm (3.433 in) Rod Length: 137.9 mm (5.429 in) Rod/Stroke Ratio: 1.58 VTEC Engagement @ 5800 RPM ECU code: P73-003 (Source: BMI Vol.1 Type R Legend) GSR VTEC Found in: 93-95 JDM Honda Integra Si (DB8, DC2) 95-98 JDM Honda Integra SiR/SiR II (DB8, DC2) 98-99 JDM Honda Integra SiR-G (DB8, DC2) Rev-limit: 8000 Rpm Power: 132.39 kW (180 PS; 178 bhp) @ 7200 rpm & 128 ft•lbf (174 N•m) @ 6200 rpm Displacement: 1,797 cc (109.7 cu in) Compression: 10.6:1 Bore: 81 mm (3.189 in) Stroke: 87.2 mm (3.433 in) [edit] Highlights of B18C Spec R compared to standard B18C GSR 1. Camshaft - Wide-angled, high-lift, high-durability camshaft 2. Exhaust Valve Spring - High-lift, dual-layered spring 3. Spark plug - High-heat-type #7 platinum plug 4. Engine Stiffener - Aluminum die-cast, high-durability, one-piece type 5. Crankshaft - Full-counterweight, 8-weight, high-output, custom crankshaft 6. Connecting Rod - Custom TypeR rod, high-durability, lightened 7. Pistons - High-compression, low-friction, custom pistons 8. Inlet Valves - Lightened inlet valves 9. Intake Manifold - Custom tuning, single-port type. 10. Throttle Body - 62mm wide-mouth throttle body. 11. Inlet Valve Springs - High-lift, flat-surfaced, dual-layered spring 12. Port Buffing done by hand 13. Fastening of Connecting Rod done with micrometer 14. All stainless steel headers [edit] B18C1 VTEC (Dual Stage Intake Manifold) Found in : 1994-2001 Acura Integra GS-R (DC2) Power : 170 hp (127 kW) @ 7100 rpm & 128 ft•lbf (173 N•m) @ 6200 rpm Redline : 8000 rpm (fuel cut-off @ 8200 rpm) VTEC Switchover : 4400 rpm Intake Manifold Switchover : 5750 rpm Displacement : 1797 cc Compression : 10:1 Bore : 81 Stroke : 87.2 mm Rod Length : 137.9 mm Rod/Stroke : 1.58 Transmission: s80 VTEC Engagement: 5800 Rpm B18C1 Is 2nd best In Its Class [edit] B18C2 VTEC Found in: 1994-1999 Honda Integra VTi-R AUDM Spec 1993-1999 Honda Integra VTi-R Displacement: 1,797 cc (109.7 cu in) Compression: 10:1 Power: 168 hp (125 kW) @ 7600 rpm Torque: 128 ft•lbf (175 N•m) @ 6200 rpm Redline: 8200 rpm Fuel Cut: 8300 rpm Transmission: Y80(No LSD) 5-Speed Manual Transaxle 0/100 km/h : <7.3 seconds tops at 157 mph [edit] B18C3 VTEC Found in: 1995-1998 Honda Integra Type R Power: 193 PS/189 hp (141 kW) @ 8200 rpm & 127 ft•lbf/172 N•m @ 7500 rp [edit] B18C4 VTEC non vtec Found in: 1996-2000 UK Civic 1.8i VTi 5-door Hatch (MB6) 1996-2000 UK Civic 1.8i VTi-S (Limited Edition) 5-door Hatch (MB6) 1996-2000 UK Civic Aerodeck 1.8i VTi 5-door Wagon (MC2) 1998-1999 EU Civic Aerodeck 1.8i VTi 5-door Wagon (MC2) 1998-1999 EU Civic 1.8i VTi 5-door Hatch (MB6) Displacement: 1,797 cc (109.7 cu in) VTEC engagement@4,400 rpm IAB open@5,750 rpm Compression: 10.0:1 Power: 169 hp (124 kW) @ 7600 rpm & 117 ft•lbf (158 N•m) @ 6200 rpm Limit: 8,100 rpm Transmission: S9B w/Torsen LSD. 0/100 km/h : 7.9 seconds (8.5 Aerodeck) [edit] B18C5 VTEC Found in: USDM DC2 Acura Integra Type-R (Integra Type-R) 1997-2001 Integra Type-R (**Note: This model was not produced for the 1999 production year) Displacement: 1,797 cc (109.7 cu in) Compression: 10.6:1 Bore: 81 mm (3.189 in) Stroke: 87.2 mm (3.433 in) Rod Length: 137.9 mm (5.429 in) Rod/Stroke Ratio: 1.58 Power: 195 hp (145 kW) @ 8200 rpm & 130 ft•lbf (180 N•m) @ 7500 rpm Transmission: S80 w/LSD Vtec engagement @ 6,001 rpm [edit] B18C6 VTEC Found in: 1998-2001 Honda Integra UK and Euro Spec Type R Type: 1.8 litre 16v DOHC 4 cylinder in-line Displacement: 1,797 cc (109.7 cu in) Compression: 11.1:1 Air intake diameter: 62 mm (2.4 in) Bore: 81 mm (3.189 in) Stroke: 87.2 mm (3.433 in) Rod Length: 137.9 mm (5.429 in) Rod/Stroke Ratio: 1.58 Power: 190 PS/140 kW @ 7900 rpm & 131 ft•lbf/178 N•m @ 7300 rpm Redline: 8400 rpm Rev-limiter: 8700 rpm Vtec engagement: 5700 rpm Transmission: S80 w/LSD [edit] B18C7 VTEC Found in: 1996- Honda Integra Type R (Australia) Power: 193 PS/189 hp (141 kW) @ 8200 rpm & 127 ft•lbf/172 N•m @ 7500 rpm [edit] B20 The B20A3 and B20A5 are not considered part of the B family. See Honda B20A engine. [edit] B20B 1996-1998 specs NON-VTEC Found in: USDM and JDM Honda CR-V, Honda Orthia Displacement: 1,973 cc (120.4 cu in) Power: 126 hp (94 kW)) @ 5400 rpm Torque: 131 ft•lbf (178 N•m) @ 4300 rpm Rod length: 137 mm (5.4 in) Compression: 8.8:1 or 9.2:1 Bore: 84 mm (3.3 in) Stroke: 89 mm (3.5 in) Redline: 6300 rpm [edit] B20B/B20Z 1999 - 2000 specs NON-VTEC Found in: USDM CRV as a B20Z, JDM Honda CR-V and Honda Orthia as a B20B Displacement: 1,973 cc (120.4 cu in) Power: 146 hp (109 kW)) @ 6200 rpm Torque: 133 ft•lbf (180 N•m) @ 4500 rpm Rod length: 137 mm (5.394 in) Compression: 9.6:1 Bore: 84 mm (3.3 in) Stroke: 89 mm (3.5 in) Redline: 6700 rpm [edit] B20A/B21A The B20A3 and B20A5 are not considered part of the B family. See Honda B20A engine. [edit] B Series Transmissions Note: All B series Transmissions are interchangeable. YS1 casing can take S80 Internals or a hydraulic conversion kit can be used to operate hydraulic transmissions in cable operated models. [edit] J1/S1 Found in: Integra XSI/RSI (DA6) Type: Cable 1st: 3.230 2nd: 2.105 3rd: 1.458 4th: 1.107 5th: 0.848 R: 3.000 FD: 4.400 [edit] S1/YS1 Found in: 1990-93 USDM Integra LS/RS (DA) Type:cable 1st: 3.230 2nd: 1.901 3rd: 1.269 4th: 0.966 5th: 0.742 R: 3.000 FD: 4.266 [edit] Y1 Found in: CRX/Civic (optional LSD) Type: Cable 1st: 3.166 2nd: 2.052 3rd: 1.416 4th: 1.103 5th: 0.870 R: 3.000 FD: 4.266 [edit] YS1 Found in: Integra 92-93 XSI/RSI (DA6, DA9) Type: Cable 1st: 3.307 2nd: 2.105 3rd: 1.458 4th: 1.107 5th: 0.880 R: 3.000 FD: 4.400 [edit] S80 Found in: Integra Type R 98+ (LSD) Type: Hydraulic 1st: 3.230 2nd: 2.105 3rd: 1.458 4th: 1.034 5th: 0.787 R: 3.000 FD: 4.785 [edit] S80/Y80 Found in: JDM SiR-G (optional LSD) Type: Hydraulic 1st: 3.230 2nd: 1.900 3rd: 1.360 4th: 1.034 5th: 0.787 R: 3.000 FD: 4.400 [edit] S9B Found in: EDM UKDM MB6 (LSD) Type: Hydraulic 1st: 3.230 2nd: 1.900 3rd: 1.360 4th: 1.034 5th: 0.848 R: 3.000 FD: 4.266 [edit] Y21/Y80/S80/S4C Found in: JDM 96-97 Integra R(LSD) JDM Civic R [EK9](LSD) JDM Civic SiR [EK4, EG6] JDM CR-X DEL SOL SIR (EG2)(optional LSD) USDM DEL SOL VTEC (EG2)(OPTIONAL LSD) Type: Hydraulic 1st: 3.230 2nd: 2.105 3rd: 1.458 4th: 1.107 5th: 0.848 R: 3.000 FD: 4.400 B20A,B20A1 (16-Valve, 4 Cylinder, DOHC, PGM-FI) "Honda" logo in center of valve cover - Filler cap on left side of cover. Found in: Serial numbers 1000001~, 1500001~ and 1550001~ 1985-1986 Honda Prelude Non-U.S. 1985-1986 Honda Accord Non-U.S. 1985-1986 Honda Vigor Non-U.S. Serial numbers 1600001~ and 1640001~ 1987-1989 Honda Vigor Non-U.S. Displacement: 1958 cc bore: 81 mm (3.2 in) stroke: 95 mm (3.7 in) Compression: 9.4:1; 9.5:1 Power: (JDM GOLD TOP B20A 1986-1987) 160 hp (119 kW) @ 6300 rpm & 137 lb.ft (186 N•m) @ 4000 rpm, using PH3 ECU (JDM BLACKTOP B20A 1988-1989) 145 hp (108 kW) @ 6200 rpm & 137 lb.ft (186 N•m) @ 4000 rpm, using PH3 ECU (EDM, B20A1 Gold Top) 137 hp (102 kW) @ 6000 rpm & 127 lb.ft (172 N•m) @ 4000 rpm, using PJ5(602,603,752),PJ7,PH3 ECU w vac. advance Transmission: B2K5(86-87), F2K5(88-89) [edit] B20A This is for the B20a that came in 88-91 Preludes, not the same motor as listed above. (16-Valve, 4 Cylinder, DOHC, PGM-FI) Found in: 1988-1991 Honda Prelude Non-U.S. Power: 143 hp (107 kW) @ 6000 rpm Torque: 128tq @ 4500 rpm Compression ratio: 9.4:1 [edit] B20A2 (16-Valve, 4 Cylinder, DOHC, PGM-FI) Found in: 1987-1989 Honda Accord Non-U.S. Power: 142 hp (106 kW) @ 6200 rpm [edit] B20A3 (12-valve, SOHC, dual side-draft carburetors) Found in: 1988-1990 Honda Prelude 2.0 S Power: 104 hp (78 kW) @ 5800 rpm (MT)With cata, 115 hp (86 kW) @ 5800 rpm without cata Torque: 111 lb•ft (150 N•m) @ 4000 rpm It was PGM-CARB microprocesor controlled (pk-1) [edit] B20A4 (12-Valve, SOHC, dual side-draft carburetors) Found in: 1988-1991 Honda Prelude Non-U.S. [edit] B20A5 (16-valve, DOHC, PGM-FI) Found in: 1988-1991 Honda Prelude 2.0Si Power: 135 hp (101 kW) @ 6200 rpm Torque: 127 lb•ft (172 N•m) @ 4000 rpm Engine cc: 1958.14 Cylinder cc: 489.535 Deck cc: 13.885 Head cc: 47.3 Compression Ratio: 9.0:1 [edit] B20A6 (16-Valve, DOHC, PGM-FI) Found in: 1988-1991 Honda Prelude Non-U.S. New Zealand, and Australian Domestic Market 142 hp (106 kW)@6000 rpm 174 Nm@4500 rpm KY model is one of them [edit] B20A7 (16-Valve, DOHC, PGM-FI) Found in: 1988-1991 Honda Prelude Non-U.S. UK, France, Holland, Norway, South Africa Power 150 hp (112 kW)@6000 rpm 132tq (180 Nm) @ 5500rpm Compression ratio 10.5:1 [edit] B20A8 (16-Valve, DOHC, PGM-FI) Found in: 1988-1991 Honda Prelude Non-U.S. Russian, Swedish Domestic Market 1988-1989 Honda Accord Non-U.S. Power 133 hp (99 kW) [edit] B20A9 (16-Valve, DOHC, PGM-FI) Found in: 1990-1991 Honda Prelude Non-U.S. Finland, German, Norway, Netherlands, Russia, Argentina Power 140 hp (104 kW)@6000 rpm Torque 129tq (175 Nm) @ 4500rpm Compression ratio 10.5:1 B20a9 engine code stamp [edit] B21A (16-valve, DOHC, PGM-FI) Found in: 1990-1991 Honda Prelude Si States Very rare, it was only produced for the "Si States" models in Japan Power: 145 hp (108 kW) Torque: 186 N•m (137 lbf•ft) Compression Ratio: 9.4:1[1][citation needed] engine using a pk-3 honda ECU B21a B21a engine code stamp [edit] B21A1 (16-valve, DOHC, PGM-FI) Found in: 1990-1991 Honda Prelude SI USDM 1990-1991 Honda Prelude SR Canadian Market Power: 140 hp (104 kW) @5800 rpm Torque: 135 lb•ft (183 N•m) @5000 rpm Engine cc: 2056.03 Cylinder cc: 514.0075 Deck cc: 10.191 Head cc: 51.0 Compression Ratio: 9.4:1 C серия: C20A The SOHC C20A is a 2.0 L version, producing 145 hp (108 kW). Applications; non-North America: 1985 Honda Legend The C20AT was a turbocharged version, producing 190 hp (140 kW). Applications; non-North America: 1989 Honda Legend NOTE: Honda made a variable geometry turbo equipped Legend marketed in the Japanese Domestic Market. The turbo equipped engine was the C20AT engine and are extremely rare. Honda pioneered variable geometry turbo chargers. The wing turbo as Honda called them, were controlled by an 8 bit processor ecu and they were constantly adjusting. Basically, at low speeds the wings would be nearly closed to speed and direct exhaust pressure precisely on the turbine wheel. At cruise speeds, the wings would be open and it would act like a much larger turbo to increase fuel economy. This car was quick and powerful, but the price premium over the standard Legend was too much for most so the car disappeared. This was one of the only production Hondas ever turbocharged from the factory, along with the new Acura RDX and the older Honda City's. [edit] C25A The SOHC C25A is a 2.5 L version, producing 165 hp (123 kW). Applications; North America Only: 1986-1987 Acura Legend Sedan, 151 hp (113 kW) 1986-1988 Rover 825 Sedan, 151 hp (113 kW) UK and Europe (sold in US as STERLING) [edit] C27A The SOHC C27A is a 2.7 L version, producing 170 hp, (127 kW). Applications; non-North America: 1987-1990 Honda Legend Coupe, 176 hp 1987-1990 Honda Legend Saloon, 176 hp Applications; North America: SOHC non-VTEC 1987 Acura Legend Coupe , 161 hp (120 kW) 1988-1990 Acura Legend, 161 hp (120 kW) 1995-1997 Honda Accord, 170 hp (128 kW) For this particular vehicle the engine was updated with a more efficient intake manifold. 1989-1991 Rover 827/Sterling/Vitesse, 177 hp (non catalyst)UK and Europe (sold in US as STERLING Brand) 1990-1991 Rover 827/Sterling/Vitesse, 168 hp (catalyst) UK and Europe (sold in US as STERLING Brand until 1991) 1991-1995 Rover 827/Sterling/Coupe, 168 hp UK and Europe [edit] C30A The DOHC VTEC C30A is a 3.0 L version, producing 201 kW (270 bhp) and 285 N•m (210 ft•lbf) of torque. The engine was the first in the US to utilize Honda's proprietary VTEC variable-valve timing system, which adjusts cam lift and duration depending on engine RPM and throttle position. VTEC allows the C30A to produce a high maximum power level while maintaining a relatively flat torque curve. The C30A also made use of titanium connecting rods, which was another first in a mass-production vehicle. The lightweight rods allowed a higher RPM to be achieved while maintaining the strength of traditional steel rods. The C30A block is an open-deck design made from an aluminum alloy with cylinders sleeved in ductile iron. The heads are a twenty-four valve, dual-overhead cam (DOHC) design and contain the VTEC mechanism, which is actuated by oil pressure. For maximum performance, the C30A uses a direct ignition system, with individual coils positioned directly over each cylinder spark plug. Due to its DOHC layout and its lighweight rotating assembly, the C30A is capable of reliable high RPM operation. Factory redline is 8000RPM and balanced/blueprinted versions of the engine can easily reach 9000RPM with little to no reliability issues. Due to its complexity, cost and use of exotic materials, the C30A was used exclusively on Honda's NSX supercar. For NSX's equipped with a 4-speed automatic transmission, Honda used a slightly less powerful version of the C30A, which utilized less aggressive cam timing and produced 252 bhp. An advanced version of this engine exists (though not in a production form) that campaigned briefly in the 2004 Japanese SuperGT racing series (see All Japan Grand Touring Car Championship) by the factory-supported Team Honda Racing group in highly modified GT-spec NSXs. This engine has various upgrades and modifications by Mugen and is the first turbo-charged Honda engine used in the series (prior to 2003, the GT-spec NSXs used a highly advanced, naturally-aspirated variant of the C32B engine). Though the exact performance figures are kept secret, it is rumored to output more than 500 bhp. Applications: 1991-1996 Honda NSX 5-Speed Manual Transmission 1991-2005 Honda NSX 4-Speed Automatic Transmission [edit] C32A The C32A is a 3.2 L version. The DOHC depending on model year, produces 200 and 230 hp (175 kW). Applications; North America Only: C32A1 - SOHC USDM - 200 hp (155 kW) 1991-1995 Acura Legend sedan 1991-1992 Acura Legend coupe C32A6 - SOHC USDM - 200 hp (155 kW) 1996-1998 Acura 3.2TL C32A5 - Also known as the "Type-II" - Uses a higher flowing intake manifold and slightly more aggressive camshaft - SOHC USDM - 230 hp (170 kW) at 206 ft•lbf (279 N•m) 1994-1995 Acura Legend GS sedan 1993-1995 Acura Legend LS and L coupe 1995-1998 Honda Inspire/Honda Sabre [edit] C32B The C32B is a highly tuned DOHC V6 used in the Honda NSX, which produces 290 hp (216 kW) and 224 lbf•ft (304 N•m). The engine is essentially an update to the C30A and does not share commonality with the C32A. Honda increased displacement to 3.2 L (~195 cu in) through the use of larger 92 mm (3.6 in) pistons over the 90 mm (3.5 in) used in the C30A. To accommodate the larger pistons, Honda used an advanced metallurgical technique on the cylinders called Fiber Reinforced Metal (FRM), in which an ultra lightweight alumina-carbon fiber is cast into the traditional aluminum alloy for enhanced rigidity. This process allowed thinner cylinder walls to be used while providing acceptable cooling characteristics. The C32B also used 32 mm (1.3 in) intake valves, which are 1 mm (0.04 in) larger than those in the C30A. Applications: 1997-2005 Honda NSX 6-Speed Manual Transmission [edit] C35A The C35A is a SOHC and carries the largest displacement of the C series at 3.5 L (~214 cu in). Applications: C35A - SOHC - 210–225 hp (155–170 kW) 1996-2004 Acura 3.5RL (US/Canada) 1996-2004 Honda Legend (non-US/Canada) Ииии Д серия D12 Series Engines (1.2 Litre) [edit] D12A Found in: 1988-1991 Honda Civic & City GG G-Mark Special (Japanese Market) Displacement : 1,237 cc (75.5 cu in) Bore and Stroke : 72.0 mm × 76.0 mm (2.83 in × 2.99 in) Compression : 9.5:1 Power : 63 hp (47.0 kW, 63.9 ps) @ 6500 rpm Torque : 65 ft•lbf (8.99 kg/m, 88.1 Nm) @ 4000 rpm Valvetrain : SOHC (4 valves per cylinder) Fuel Control : Single Carburetor there are some locally distributed units that start with JHM, these are the 1,200 cc (73.2 cu in) EF sold in 1991. all 1000+ units were imported from Japan (SKD) [edit] D13 Series Engines (1.3 Litre) [edit] D13B1 Found in: 1988-1991 Honda Civic EC (European Market) Displacement : 1,343 cc (82.0 cu in) Bore and Stroke : 75.0 mm × 76.0 mm (2.95 in × 2.99 in) Compression : 9.5:1 Power : 75 hp (55.0 kW, 76.0 ps) @ 6300 rpm Torque : 75.2 ft•lbf (10.3 kg/m, 102 Nm) @ 3100 rpm Valvetrain : SOHC (4 valves per cylinder) Fuel Control : Single Carburetor [edit] D13B2 Found in: 1992-1995 Honda Civic EX (European Market) or period bakes civic eg Displacement : 1,343 cc (82.0 cu in) Bore and Stroke : 75.0 mm × 76.0 mm (2.95 in × 2.99 in) Compression : 9:1 Power : 74.9 hp (55.9 kW, 76.0 ps) @ 6300 rpm Torque : 75.2 ft•lbf (10.4 kg/m, 102 Nm) @ 3100 rpm Valvetrain : SOHC (4 valves per cylinder) Fuel Control : Single Carburetor [edit] D13B4 Found in: 1998-2003 Honda City EXI/DX Displacement : 1,300 cc (79.3 cu in) Bore and Stroke : 75.0 mm × 76.0 mm (2.95 in × 2.99 in) Compression : 9.75:1 Power : 95 hp (70.8 kW, 96.3 ps) @ 6500 rpm Torque : 94 ft•lbf (12.8 kg/m, 127 Nm) @ 4200 rpm Valvetrain : SOHC (4 valves per cylinder) - 16 valve Fuel Control : Multi-point fuel Injection, PGM-FI [edit] D13B7 Found in: 1998-2001 Honda Logo 5D Displacement : 1,000,000 Bore and Stroke : ? Compression : ?:? Power : ? hp (? kW, ? ps) @ ? rpm Torque : ? ft•lbf (? kg/m, ? Nm) @ ? rpm Valvetrain : SOHC (? valves per cylinder) Fuel Control : Multi-point fuel Injection, PGM-FI [edit] D13C Found in: 1989-1994 Honda City CE, CE Fit, CE Select, CG, CR-i, CR-i limited, CZ-i, New Fit (Japanese Market) Displacement : ? Bore and Stroke : ? Compression : 10:1 Power : ? hp (? kW, ? ps) @ ? rpm Torque : ? ft•lbf (? kg/m, ? Nm) @ ? rpm Valvetrain : SOHC (? valves per cylinder) Fuel Control : Multi-point fuel Injection, PGM-FI [edit] D13C Found in: 1989-1994 Honda City (Japanese Market) Displacement : 1,343 cc (82.0 cu in) Bore and Stroke : 75.0 mm × 76.0 mm (2.95 in × 2.99 in) Compression : 9.5:1 Power :? Torque :? Valvetrain : SOHC (4 valves per cylinder) Fuel Control : Single Carburetor [edit] D14 Series Engines (1.4 Litre) [edit] D14A1 Found in: 1987-1991 Honda Civic GL and 1990 CRX (European Market) Displacement : 1,396 cc (85.2 cu in) Bore and Stroke : 75.0 mm × 79.0 mm (2.95 in × 3.11 in) Compression : 9.3:1 Power : 90 hp (67.1 kW, 91.3 ps) @ 6300 rpm Torque : 83 ft•lbf (11.5 kg/m, 112 Nm) @ 4500 rpm Valvetrain : SOHC (4 valves per cylinder) Fuel Control : Dual Carburetor [edit] D14A2 Found in: 1995-1996 Honda Civic MA8 (European Market) Displacement : 1,396 cc (85.2 cu in) Bore and Stroke : 75.0 mm × 79.0 mm (2.95 in × 3.11 in) Compression : 9.2:1 Power : 89 hp (66.4 kW, 90.2 ps) @ 6100 rpm Torque : 86 ft•lbf (11.9 kg/m, 117 Nm) @ 5000 rpm Valvetrain : SOHC (4 valves per cylinder) Fuel Control : Multi-point fuel Injection, PGM-FI [edit] D14A3 Found in: 1996-1999 Honda Civic 1.4i EJ9 (European Market) Displacement : 1,396 cc (85.2 cu in) Bore and Stroke : 75.0 mm × 79.0 mm (2.95 in × 3.11 in) Compression : 9.1:1 Ecu code: P3X Power : 75 hp (55.9 kW, 76.0 ps) @ 5700 RPM also 90 hp Torque : 82.60 ft•lbf (11.42 kg/m, 112 Nm) @ 3000 rpm Valvetrain : SOHC (4 valves per cylinder), non VTEC Redline : 6800 RPM Fuel cut: 7200 RPM Fuel Control : Multi-point fuel Injection (PGM-FI) Transmission: S40 [edit] D14A4 Found in: 1996-2000 Honda Civic 1.4Si EJ9 (European Market) Displacement : 1,396 cc (85.2 cu in) Bore and Stroke : 75.0 mm × 79.0 mm (2.95 in × 3.11 in) Compression : 9.2:1 Piston code: P3Y Ecu code: P3Y big-end bore: 43 mm piston pin: probably 19 mm (though my measurement readed ~18) Rod lenght(center to center): 138mm Power : 90 hp (67.1 kW, 91.3 ps) @ 6400 rpm Torque : 91.45757 ft•lbf (12.64 kg/m, 124 Nm) @ 4800 rpm Valvetrain : SOHC (4 valves per cylinder) Red line : 6800 RPM Fuel cut: 7200 RPM Fuel Control :OBD2 , DPFI Dual point fuel injection, 1+3 2+4 injectors thrown together Transmission: S40 The D14A3 and D14A4 engines are identical, the difference is only one small gasket under the throttle body in D14A3 which restricts the air intake of the engine, this happen in some european countries. [edit] D15 Series Engines (1.5 Liters) [edit] D15A1 Needs more info [edit] D15A2 The JDM spec engine model of one of the EW series motors, used in later years of the third-gen Civic. [edit] D15A3 Found in: 1985-1987 Honda CRX Si and 1987 Civic Si (AU/NZ) Displacement : 1,488 cc (90.8 cu in) Bore and Stroke : 74 mm × 86.5 mm (2.9 in × 3.4 in) Compression : 8.7:1 Power : 91 hp (67 kW, 59.2 ps) @ 5500 rpm Torque : 93 ft•lbf (12.9 kg/m, 126 Nm) @ 4500 rpm Valvetrain : SOHC (3 valves per cylinder ) Fuel Control : PGM-FI2 [edit] D15A4 Needs more info [edit] D15A5 Needs more info [edit] D15B VTEC Found in : 1991-1995 Honda CRX Del Sol VXi EG1 (Japanese Market) 1991-1995 Honda Civic VTi EG4 (Japanese Market) 1991-1995 Honda Civic VTi EG8 (Japanese Market) Displacement : 1,493 cc (91.1 cu in) Bore and Stroke :75,0×84,5 mm Rod Length : 137 mm Rod/Stroke : 1.62 Compression : 9,2:1 Power : 130 hp (95.4 kW, 130 ps) @ 6600 rpm Torque : 106 ft•lbf (14.1 kg/m, 138 Nm) @ 5200 rpm Redline : 7200 rpm Rev-limiter : 7500 rpm Valvetrain : SOHC VTEC (4 valves per cylinder) VTEC Switchover : 5600 rpm Head Code : P08 Piston Code: P08-010 Fuel Control : OBD-1 PGM-FI ECU : P08 [edit] D15B Found in : 1988 Honda CRX 1.5X (rare) 1990 Honda Civic 25XXT Formula (Japanese Market) Honda Civic Ferio MX (Japanese Market) 1998-2001 Honda Capa GA4 (Japanese Market) Displacement : 1,493 cc (91.1 cu in) Bore and Stroke : 75 mm × 84.5 mm (3.0 in × 3.3 in) Compression : 9.2:1 Power : 106 hp (96.9 kW, 105 ps) @ 6500 rpm Torque : 95.4 ft•lbf (13.2 kg/m) @ 4500 rpm Rev limiter : 7400 rpm Valvetrain : SOHC (4 valves per cylinder) Fuel Control : Dual Carburetor/fuel injected [edit] D15B1 (Same as the D15B2 engine, but with a mild camshaft, and a restrictor plate between the throttle body and intake manifold) Found in: 1988-1991 Honda Civic Hatchback Displacement : 1,493 cc (91.1 cu in) Bore and Stroke : 75 mm × 84.5 mm (3.0 in × 3.3 in) Compression : 9.2:1 Power : 70 hp (52.2 kW, 71.0 ps) @ 5500 rpm [1] Torque : 83 ft•lbf (11.4 kg/m, 112 Nm) @ 3000 rpm [1] Valvetrain : SOHC (4 valves per cylinder) Fuel Control : OBD-O DPFI Head Code : PM3 ECU Code: PM9 [edit] D15B2 Found in: 1988-1991 Honda Civic GL/DX/LX 1988-1991 Honda CRX DX 1992-1995 Honda Civic LSi Hatch/Saloon (European Market) 1992-1995 Honda Civic DXi Hatch/Saloon (European Market) 1990-1995 Honda Concerto (European Market) Displacement : 1,493 cc (91.1 cu in) Bore and Stroke : 75 mm × 84.5 mm (3.0 in × 3.3 in) Rod Length : 134 mm Compression : 9.2:1 Power : 92 hp (68.6 kW, 93.3 ps) @ 6000 rpm Torque : 88 ft•lbf (12.2 kg/m, 119 Nm) @ 4500 rpm Valvetrain : SOHC (4 valves per cylinder) Cam Gear : 38 tooth Piston Code : PM3 Fuel Control : OBD-O DPFI/Obd-1 DPFI Redline : 6500 rpm,7200 rpm rev limiter Head Code : PM3 ECU Code: PM5/P04 Top Speed : 143 [edit] D15B3 Found in: 1988-1989 Honda Civic EX 1988-1995 Honda Civic Shuttle GL 1992-1995 Honda Civic LX (NZ model) 1988-1991 Honda Civic LX (NZ model) 1992-1995 Honda Civic EX (SA model) Displacement : 1,493 cc (91.1 cu in) Bore and Stroke : 75 mm × 84.5 mm (3.0 in × 3.3 in) Compression : 9.9:1 Power : 93 hp (69 kW, ? ps) @ 6000 rpm Torque : ? ft•lbf (? kg/m, 121 Nm) @ 4500 rpm Valvetrain : SOHC (4 valves per cylinder) Cam Gear : 38 tooth Fuel Control : Carburetor [edit] D15B4 Found in: 1989-1991 Honda Civic GL (Australian Market) Displacement : 1,493 cc (91.1 cu in) Bore and Stroke : 75 mm × 84.5 mm (3.0 in × 3.3 in) Compression : 9.2:1 Power : 96.5 hp (72kW) @ 5200 rpm Torque : 90 ft•lbf (12.4 kg/m, 122 Nm) @ 3800 rpm Valvetrain : SOHC (4 valves per cylinder) Fuel Control : Dual Carburetor [edit] D15B6 Found in: 1988-1991 Honda Crx HF Displacement : 1,493 cc (91.1 cu in) Bore and Stroke : 75 mm × 84.5 mm (3.0 in × 3.3 in) Compression : 9.1:1 Power : ['88-'89] 62 bhp (46.23 kW, 62.86 ps) @ 4400 rpm ['90-'91] 72 bhp (53.7 kW, 73.0 ps) @ 4500 rpm Torque : 83 ft•lbf (11.5 kg/m, 113 Nm) @ 2200 rpm Valvetrain : 8-Valve SOHC Fuel Control : OBD-0 MPFI Head Code : PM-8 [edit] D15B7 Found in: 1992-1995 Honda Civic CX (Canadian model) 1992-1995 Honda Civic DX/LX 1993-1995 Honda Civic del Sol S 1992-1995 Honda Civic LSi Coupe (European Market) Displacement : 1,493 cc (91.1 cu in) Bore and Stroke : 75 mm × 84.5 mm (3.0 in × 3.3 in) Compression : 9.2:1 Power : 102 hp (76.1 kW, 103 ps) @ 6200 rpm Torque : 98 ft•lbf (13.5 kg/m, 133 Nm) @ 3800 rpm Valvetrain : SOHC (4 valves per cylinder) Cam Gear: 38 Tooth Piston Code : PM3 Fuel Control : OBD-1 MPFI ECU Code: P06 [edit] D15B8 Found in: 1992-1995 Honda Civic CX (U.S. model) Displacement : 1,500 cc (91.5 cu in) Bore and Stroke : 75 mm × 84.5 mm (3.0 in × 3.3 in) Compression : 9.2:1 Power : 70 hp (52.2 kW, 71.0 ps) @ 4500 rpm Torque : 83 ft•lbf (11.5 kg/m, 113 Nm) @ 2800 rpm Valvetrain : SOHC (2 valves per cylinder) Fuel Control : OBD-1 MPFI. [edit] D15Z1 VTEC-E Found in: 1992-1995 Honda Civic VX 1992-1995 Honda Civic VEi (European Market) Displacement : 1,493 cc (91.1 cu in) Bore and Stroke :75 mm × 84.5 mm (3.0 in × 3.3 in) Rod Length : 137 mm Rod/Stroke : 1.62 Compression : 9.3:1 Power : 90 hp (67.1 kW, 91.3 ps) @ 5600 rpm Torque : 98 ft•lbf (13.5 kg/m, 133 Nm) @ 4800 rpm Valvetrain : SOHC VTEC-E (3-4 valves per cylinder depending on RPM) VTEC Switchover : 2500 rpm ECU Code : P07 Fuel Control : OBD-1 MPFI [edit] D15Z4 1996-2000 Civic Exi and SA Ballade & Civic 150i Displacement : 1,493 cc (91.1 cu in) Bore and Stroke : 75 mm × 84.5 mm (3.0 in × 3.3 in) Power : 90 hp (67.1 kW, 91.3 ps) or 105 hp (77 kW) @ 5800 rpm Torque : 99-103 ft•lbf (14 kg/m, 134-140 Nm) :confirm?]] @ 4200 rpm Valvetrain : SOHC (4 valves per cylinder) [edit] D15Z6 VTEC-E Found in: 1995-2000 Honda Civic 1.5 iLS (European Market) Displacement : 1,493 cc (91.1 cu in) Bore and Stroke : 75 mm × 84.5 mm (3.0 in × 3.3 in) Rod Length : 137 mm Compression : 9.6:1 Power : 114 hp (84 kW) @ 6500 rpm Torque : 99 ft-lb (134 Nm) @ 5400 rpm VTEC Switchover : depending on load, max ~3500 rpm in 5th gear Valvetrain : SOHC VTEC (3-4 valves per cylinder, depending on rpm) Fuel Control : OBD2a PGM-FI MPFI Ecu Code : P2Y Head Code : P2J [edit] D15Z7 3-stage VTEC Found in: 1996-1999 Honda Civic VTi EK3 and Ferio Vi Displacement : 1,493 cc (91.1 cu in) Bore and Stroke : 75 mm × 84.5 mm (3.0 in × 3.3 in) Rod Length : 137 mm Rod/Stroke : 1.62 Compression : 9.6:1 Power : 128 hp (95.4 kW, 130 ps) @ 7000 rpm Torque : 102 ft•lbf (14.2 kg/m, 139 Nm) @ 5300 rpm Valvetrain : SOHC VTEC (3-4 valves per cylinder, depending on rpm) VTEC Switchover : ? rpm Fuel Control : OBD-2 MPFI ECU Code : P2J [edit] D15Z8 VTEC-E Found in: 1997-2000 Honda Civic LS (European Market) Displacement : 1,493 cc (91.1 cu in) Bore and Stroke : 75 mm × 84.5 mm (3.0 in × 3.3 in) Compression : 9.6:1 Power : 114 hp (85.0 kW, 116 ps) @ 6500 rpm Torque : error?: 95-99 ft•lbf (13-14 kg/m, 128-134 Nm) :confirm? @ 4500 rpm Head Code : P2J P2M ECU Code : P9L VTEC Switchover : 2500 rpm Valvetrain : SOHC VTEC-E (4 valves per cylinder) Fuel Control : OBD2 MPFI [edit] D16 Series Engines (1.6 Liters) [edit] D16A Found in ej1 Displacement : 1,590 cc (97 cu in) Bore and Stroke : 75 mm × 90 mm (3.0 in × 3.5 in) Rod Length : 137MM Rod/Stroke : 1.52 Compression : 9.2:1 Power : 125 hp (93.2 kW, 127 ps) @ 6600 rpm Torque : 106 ft•lb (14.7 kg/m, 144 Nm) @ 5200 rpm Piston Code : P28 Volumetric Efficiency : 87.68% Redline : 7500 rpm Fuel Cut : 7411 rpm VTEC Switchover : 5500 rpm[2] Fuel Control : OBD-1 MPFI Head Code : P08 ECU Code : P91 [edit] D16A1 Found in: 1986-89 Acura Integra (USA) Displacement : 1,590 cc (97 cu in) Bore and Stroke : 75 mm × 90 mm (3.0 in × 3.5 in) Valvetrain : DOHC (4 valves per cylinder) Fuel Control : OBD-0 MPFI 1986-1987 Compression : 9.3:1 Power : 113 hp (84.3 kW, 115 ps) @ 6250 rpm Torque : 99 ft•lbf (13.7 kg/m, 134 Nm) @ 5500 rpm Piston Code: PG6 1988-1989 Compression : 9.5: 1 Power : 120 hp (88.0 kW, 120 ps) @ 6250 rpm Torque: 101 ft•lbf (14.0 kg/m, 137 Nm) @ 5500 rpm Piston Code: P29 (Equivalent to PM7) ECU Code: PG7 L3 Gearbox - Cable Tranny [edit] D16A3 Found in: 1986-89 Acura Integra (Australia) Displacement : 1,590 cc (97 cu in) Bore and Stroke : 75 mm × 90 mm (3.0 in × 3.5 in) Compression : 9.5:1 Power : 118 hp (88.0 kW, 120 ps) @ 5600 rpm Torque : 103 ft.lbf (14.3 kg/m, 140 Nm) @ 4800 rpm Valvetrain : DOHC, 4 valves per cylinder Fuel Control : OBD-0 MPFI [edit] D16A6 Also known as D16Z2. Found in: 1988-1991 Honda Civic Si, CRX Si, Civic Wagon RT4WD 1990-1991 Honda Civic EX Sedan 1988-1995 Honda Civic Shuttle RT4WD (UK/Europe/Asia/AU/NZ) 1989-1996 Rover 216/416 GSi/Tourer (UK/Europe) Displacement : 1,590 cc (97 cu in) Bore and Stroke : 75 mm × 90 mm (3.0 in × 3.5 in) Rod Length : 137 mm Rod/Stroke : 1.52 Compression : 9.1:1 Power : 108 hp (80.5 kW, 110 ps) @ 5600 rpm Note: 1988 engines were 105 hp (78.3 kW, 107 ps) Torque : 100 ft•lbf (13.9 kg/m, 136 Nm) @ 4,800 rpm Redline : 6500 rpm (USA) Rev limited to : 7200 rpm Valvetrain : SOHC (4 valves per cylinder) Fuel Control : OBD-0 MPFI Head Code : PM3 ECU Code : PM6 [edit] D16A7 (Basically a D16A6 that came without a catalytic converter, like the European version of the D16A6) Found in: 88-89 Civic models in Europe(ED4,ED7) 88-95 Models in South Africa Ballade SH4 and SR4 ( D16A7 / EE4 ) Displacement : 1,590 cc (97 cu in) Bore and Stroke : 75 mm × 90 mm (3.0 in × 3.5 in) Compression : 9.6:1 Power : 115 hp (85.8 kW, 117 ps) @ 5900 rpm Torque : 100 ft•lbf (13.9 kg/m, 136 Nm) @ 4800 rpm Valvetrain : SOHC (4 valves per cylinder) Fuel Control : OBD-0 Multi-point PGM-FI [edit] D16A8 Found in: 1988-1995 Civic/CRX/Concerto (UK/Europe/Australia) 1992-1995 Rover 216/416 GTi(UK/Europe) 1993-1997 Rover 216 SportCoupe (Europe) Displacement : 1,590 cc (97 cu in) Bore and Stroke : 75 mm × 90 mm (3.0 in × 3.5 in) Compression : 9.5:1 Power : 125 hp (93.2 kW, 127 ps) @ 6800 rpm Torque : 108 ft•lbf (14.9 kg/m, 146 Nm) @ 5900 rpm Valvetrain : DOHC (4 valves per cylinder) Fuel Control : OBD-0 MPFI ECU Code : PP5 Gearbox : L3 [edit] D16A9 (Same as D16A8 but without a catalytic converter) Found in: 1988-1991 Concerto (UK/Europe) 1988-1991 CRX 1.6i-16(UK/Europe/South Africa) 1988-1991 Civic 1.6i-16(UK/Europe/South Africa) 1989-1992 Rover 216/416 GTi (UK/Europe) 1992-1995 Civic Si (Peruvian version) Displacement : 1,590 cc (97 cu in) Bore and Stroke : 75 mm × 90 mm (3.0 in × 3.5 in) Compression : 9.5:1 Power : 130/137 hp (96.9 kW, 132 ps) @ 6.800 rpm Torque : 108 ft•lbf (14.9 kg/m, 146 Nm) @ 5900 rpm Valvetrain : DOHC (4 valves per cylinder) Redline: 7200 rpm Limit: 7800 rpm Fuel Control : OBD-0 MPFI (92-95 OBD-1) ECU Code: PM7 (92-95 P29) GearBox : L3 Cable type (92- 95 S20) [edit] D16B5 (Identical to the D16Y5. Main differences are Pistons, Rods, Camshaft, Head Gasket, Intake Manifold, and Exhaust Manifold are PDN rather than P2M) Found in: 1998-2000 Honda Civic GX Displacement : 1,590 cc (97 cu in) Bore and Stroke : 75 mm × 90 mm (3.0 in × 3.5 in) Rod Length : 137 mm Compression : 12.5:1 Combustion Chamber Volume : 32.8 cc per cylinder Power : ? hp (? kW, ? ps) @ ? rpm Torque : ? ft•lbf (? kg/m, ? Nm) @ ? rpm Valvetrain : SOHC VTEC-E VTEC Switchover : 5700 rpm Fuel Control : OBD-2 MPFI ECU Code: PDN-A02 [edit] D16W7 VTEC-E Found in: 2005-2007 Honda Civic Vti-L/ Vti (Asia) Displacement:1,590 cc (97 cu in) Compression : 10.9:1 Power : 115 hp (85.8 kW, 117 ps) @ 5600 rpm Torque : 112 ft•lbf (15.5 kg/m, 152 Nm) @ 4300 rpm Valvetrain : SOHC (? valves per cylinder) Redline : 6100 rpm Limit : 6200 rpm Fuel Control : OBD-1 MPFI ECU Code : PM12 Also found in 2001-2005 Honda Civic ES (Europe) Same as above, except: Power: 110 hp (82.0 kW, 81 kW) @ 5600 rpm Torque : 112 ft•lbf (15.5 kg/m, 152 Nm) @ 4300 rpm Redline 6100 rpm Limit 6200 rpm [edit] D16Y1 Found in 1992-1995 Honda Civic VTi (AUS) Displacement : 1,590 cc (97 cu in) Bore and Stroke : 75 mm × 90 mm (3.0 in × 3.5 in) Compression : 9.3:1 Power : 129 hp (96.2 kW, 131 ps) @ 6600 rpm Torque : 107 ft•lbf (14.8 kg/m, 145 Nm) @ 5200 rpm Redline : 7200 rpm Valvetrain : SOHC VTEC (4 valves per cylinder) VTEC Switchover : 5000 rpm Fuel Control : OBD-1 MPFI Head Code : P08 ECU Code : P28 [edit] D16Y4 Found in: 1996-2000 Civic i ES (Turkey-Turkiye-Techturkey) 1996-2000 Civic CXi,GL,GLi (New Zealand,Australia) Displacement : 1,590 cc Bore and Stroke : 75 mm × 90 mm (3.0 in × 3.5 in) Compression : 9.4:1 Power : 120 hp (88.0 kW) @ 6400 rpm Torque : 144 nm / 5000rpm Redline : 6800 rpm Rev-limiter: 7200 rpm Fuel Control : OBD-2 MPFI Head Code : P2A-2 ECU Code : P2K Rod /Stroke Ratio : 1.52 Rod Length : 152 mm Deck Height : 212 Gear Ratios: 1st 3.250 2nd 1.909 3rd 1.250 4th 0.909 5th 0.702 rev 3.153 final 4.058 [edit] D16Y5 VTEC-E Found in : 1996-2000 Honda Civic HX 1996 Honda Civic EX(sedan Peruvian version) Displacement : 1,590 cc (97 cu in) Bore and Stroke : 75 mm × 90 mm (3.0 in × 3.5 in) Rod Length : 137 mm Rod/Stroke : 1.52 Compression : 9.4:1 Power : 115 hp (85.8 kW, 117 ps) @ 5600 rpm Torque : 104 ft•lbf (14.4 kg/m, 141 Nm) @ 4500 rpm Valvetrain : SOHC VTEC-E (4 valves per cylinder) Fuel Control : OBD-2 MPFI Head Code : P2J 1996-2000 VTi (Phils. & NZ) Displacement : 1,590 cc (97 cu in) Bore and Stroke : 75 mm × 90 mm (3.0 in × 3.5 in) Compression : ?:? Power : 127 hp (94.7 kW, 129 ps) @ 5800 rpm Torque : ? ft•lbf (? kg/m, ? Nm) @ ? rpm Valvetrain : SOHC VTEC(4 valves per cylinder) Fuel Control : OBD-2 MPFI Head Code : P2J ECU Code : P2M Piston Code : P2MY [edit] D16Y7 Found in: 1996-2000 Honda Civic DX/VP/LX/CX 1999-2000 Honda Civic Special Edition - SE(Canada) 1996-97 Honda del Sol S 1997 Honda Civic Coupe LSI Displacement : 1,593 cc (97.2 cu in) Bore and Stroke : 75 mm × 90 mm (3.0 in × 3.5 in) Compression : 9.4:1 Power : 106 hp (79.0 kW, 107 ps) @ 6400 rpm Torque : 103 ft•lbf (14.3 kg/m, 140 Nm) @ 4,600 rpm Redline : 6800 rpm Rev-limiter: 7200 rpm Valvetrain : SOHC (4 valves per cylinder) Fuel Control : OBD2 MPFI Head Code : P2F Piston Code : P2E ECU Code : P2E [edit] D16Y8 VTEC Also available in New Zealand under the code D16Y6 Found in 1999-2000 Honda Civic SE 1.6 Vtec (UK) 1996-1999 Honda Civic EX Sedan 1996-1999 Honda Civic EX Coupe 1996-2000 Honda Civic EX (US) 1996-2000 Honda Civic SI (Canada Only) 1997-2000 Acura 1.6EL (Canada Only) 1996-1997 Honda del Sol Si 1997-2000 Rover 416 Auto Displacemnt : 1590cc Bore and Stroke : 75 mm × 90 mm (3.0 in × 3.5 in) Rod Length : 137 MM Rod/Stroke : 1.52 Compression : 9.6:1 Valvetrain : SOHC VTEC 4 valves per cylinder Power : 127 hp (94.7 kW, 129 ps) 6600 @ rpm Torque : 111 ft•lbf (45.79 kg/m, 145.1 Nm) 5500@ rpm Head Code : P2J VTEC Switchover : 5500 rpm Piston Code : P2P Redline 6900 rpm Rev Limited To 7200 rpm ECU Code : P2P [edit] D16Y9 equal to D16Y4 non vtec Found in: 1996-2000 Honda Ballade, Honda Civic in South Africa and Venezuela Displacement : 1,590 cc (97 cu in) Bore and Stroke : 75 mm × 90 mm (3.0 in × 3.5 in) (79.0 kW, 107 ps) @ 5900 rpm (At 110 hp (82 kW) @ 5500 rpm) Torque : 108 ft•lbf (14.9 kg/m, 146 Nm) @ 4000 rpm Valvetrain : SOHC (4 valves per cylinder) Fuel Control : OBD2A MPFI ecu p2k 2 connectors vtec shortopen at? The D16Y9 in South Africa has different power figures: Power: 89Kw (119hp) @6400rpm Torque: 146Nm (108 lbf-ft) @5500rpm Information found in April 1998 CAR Magazine(SA) [edit] D16Z5 (Basically the same engine as the D16A9, but now with a catalytic converter and lambda sensor) Found in: 1988-1992 Honda CRX (European Market) Displacement : 1,590 cc (97 cu in) Bore and Stroke : 75 mm × 90 mm (3.0 in × 3.5 in) Compression : 9.5:1 Power : 124 hp (92.5 kW, 126 ps) @ 6800 rpm Torque : ? ft•lbf (? kg/m, 140 Nm) @ 5600 rpm Valvetrain : DOHC (4 valves per cylinder) Cam Gear : 34 tooth Fuel Control : OBD-0 PGM-FI Head Code : P7 Piston Code : PM7 ECU Code: PM7 [edit] D16Z6 Found in 1992-1995 Honda Civic Si 1992-1995 Honda Civic EX, EX-V 1992-1995 Honda Civic ESi (European Market) 1993-1995 Honda Del Sol Si (US) 1993-1995 Honda Del Sol ESi (European) Displacement : 1,590 cc (97 cu in) Bore and Stroke : 75 mm × 90 mm (3.0 in × 3.5 in) Rod Length : 137MM Rod/Stroke : 1.52 Compression : 9.2:1 Power : 125 hp (93.2 kW, 127 ps) @ 6600 rpm Torque : 106 ft•lb (14.7 kg/m, 144 Nm) @ 5200 rpm Piston Code : P28 Volumetric Efficiency : 87.68% Redline : 7500 rpm Fuel Cut : 7411 rpm VTEC Switchover : 5500 rpm[3] Fuel Control : OBD-1 MPFI Head Code : P08 ECU Code : P28 [edit] D16Z9 Found in: 1994-1995 Civic Coupe (EJ1) 1.6i ESi European 1994-1995 Civic Sedan (EG9) 1.6i EX US & European Displacement : 1,590 cc (97 cu in) Bore and Stroke : 75 mm × 90 mm (3.0 in × 3.5 in) Compression : 9.3:1 Power : 15 hp (one wheel peel) (93.2 kW, 127 ps) @ 6600 rpm Torque : 4 ft•lbf (14.7 kg/m, 144 Nm) @ 5200 rpm Redline : 7200 rpm Fuel Cut : 7500 rpm Valvetrain : SOHC VTEC (4 valves per cylinder) Fuel Control : OBD-1 MPFI ECU Code : P28 [edit] D17 Series Engines (1.7 Liters) D17A 2001-2005 (Japan) honda civic Displacement : 1,668 cc (101.8 cu in) Bore and Stroke: ? Valvetrain : SOHC VTEC (4 valves per cylinder) Power : [lean burn] 115 hp (85.8 kW, 117 ps) @ ? rpm; 130 hp (96.9 kW, 132 ps) @ ? rpm Torque : ? ft•lbf (? kg/m, ? Nm) @ ? rpm please find more info, there is also a D15B VTEC from this family with coils [edit] D17A1 Found in: 2001-2005 Honda Civic DX/LX/VP Displacement : 1,668 cc (101.8 cu in) Bore and Stroke : 75 mm × 94.4 mm (3.0 in × 3.7 in) Compression : 9.5:1 Power : 127 hp (85.8 kW, 117 ps) @ 6100 rpm Torque : 110 ft•lbf (15.2 kg/m, 149 Nm) @ 4500 rpm Redline: 6750 rpm Valvetrain : SOHC (4 valves per cylinder) Fuel Control : OBD-2 MPFI cut: 180kmh [edit] D17A2 VTEC-E? Found in: 2001-2005 Honda Civic EX (US only) 2001-2005 Honda Civic LX (Europe) 2001-2005 Honda Civic Si (Canada only) 2001-2005 Acura 1.7 EL (Canada only) 2000-2007 Honda Stream 1.7 (Japan) Displacement : 1,668 cc (101.8 cu in) Bore and Stroke : 74.98 mm × 94.4 mm (2.952 in × 3.717 in) Rod Length : 137 mm Rod/Stroke : 1.48 Compression : 9.9:1 Power : 127 hp (94.7 kW, 132 ps) @ 6300 rpm Torque : 114 ft•lbf (15.8 kg/m, 155 Nm) @ 4800 rpm RPM redline: 6800 rpm Rev-limiter : 7200 rpm Valvetrain : SOHC VTEC (4 valves per cylinder) VTEC Switchover : 3200 rpm Fuel Control : OBD-2 MPFI [edit] D17A6 VTEC-E Found in: 2001-2005 Honda Civic HX Displacement : 1,668 cc (101.8 cu in) Bore and Stroke : 75 mm × 94.4 mm (3.0 in × 3.7 in) Compression : 9.9:1 Power : 125 hp (93.2 kW, 127 ps) @ 5800 rpm & Torque : 111 ft•lbf (15.3 kg/m, 150 Nm) @ 3800 rpm Valvetrain : SOHC VTEC-E (4 valves per cylinder) VTEC Switchover : 4400rpm Fuel Control : OBD-2 MPFI [edit] D17A7 Found in: 2001-2005 Honda Civic GX Fuel CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) Displacement : 1,668 cc (101.8 cu in) Bore and Stroke : 75 mm × 94.4 mm (3.0 in × 3.7 in) Compression : 12.5:1 Power : 100 hp (74.6 kW, 101 ps) @ 6100 rpm Torque : 98 ft•lbf (13.5 kg/m, 133 Nm) @ 4000 rpm Valvetrain : SOHC (? valves per cylinder) Fuel Control : OBD-2 MPFI [edit] ZC(similar to D16Y4, D16A8, D16Z6, D16A1, D16A3, D16A6, D16A9 and D16Z5 engines) A few D-series variants are labelled (Japanese: Honda ZC engine) (usually JDM), but they are not truly a different series. There are both SOHC and DOHC ZC engines. The non-VTEC SOHC ZC is similar to the D16A6 ('91 - '96) and D16Y4 ('96-2000) engine, but with more aggressive cam timing. The VTEC SOHC ZC is identical to the D16Z6. The DOHC ZC is similar to the D16A1, D16A3, D16A8, D16A9 and D16Z5 engines. DOHC ZC Found in 1988-'91 (JDM) CR-X Si Specs: Displacement : 1590 cm³ Bore and Stroke : 75 mm X 90 mm 1986-1987 Compression : 9.3:1 1988-1989 Compression : 9.5: 1 1986-1987 Power : 113 hp (84.3 kW, 115 ps) @ 6250 rpm; Torque : 99 ft•lbf (13.7 kg/m, 134 Nm) @ 5500rpm (US) 1988-1989 Power : 118 hp (88.0 kW, 120 ps) @ 6250 rpm; Torque : 101 ft•lbf (14.0 kg/m, 137 Nm) @ 5500rpm (US) 1988-1991 Power : 130 hp (96.9 kW, 132 ps) @ 6800 rpm; Torque : 106 ft•lbf (14.7 kg/m, 144 Nm) @ 5700 (JDM) Valvetrain : DOHC Piston Code 1986-'87 : PG6 Piston Code 1988-'89 : PM7 Fuel Control : OBD-0 MPFI Euro Mk1 ('85-'87) 1.6 CRX's are fitted with an engine designated "ZC1" which is a higher spec 130 hp (96.9 kW, 132 ps) version of the D16A1. Which were later to be switched out with the D16A8 or B16A depending on which model. 1st Gen ZC Identified by: External coil, small distributor, dual butterfly TB, cam cover bolts on top, brown/gold cam cover. Large cam pulleys. +3cc PG6B pistons, non-pent roof combustion chamber. As a ZC it appeared in JDM AV Integra Si and JDM E-AT Civic/CR-X Si. Commonly produced at the time but now over 20 years old and getting harder to find. D-series version D16A1 '86-'87 2nd Gen ZC (rarest) Identified by: Internal coil, large distributor, single butterfly TB mounted on slight angle forward, bolts on top of cam cover, black cam cover, large cam pulleys. +7cc PM7 pistons, 43 cc Pent roof combustion chamber. As a ZC appeared in JDM facelift AV bodied Integra Si did not appear in Civic or CR-X, rarest ZC only produced for less than one year. D-series version D16A1 '88-'89 (sometimes +7cc P29 pistons) 3rd Gen ZC Identified by: Internal coil, large distributor, single butterfly TB. Black cam cover. Cam cover bolts on the sides. Small cam pulleys. Inlet Manifold stamped PM7. +7cc PM7 pistons, 43 cc Pent roof combustion chamber. As a ZC appeared in JDM EF3 civic and EF7 CR-X, did not appear in an Integra body. Most commonly produced ZC, manufactured in Japan from end of '87 through to early '91 D-series version D16A8/9 (Euro Civic Si) (sometimes +7cc P29 pistons) 4th Gen ZC Identified by: Internal coil. OBD1 EFi system (grey plug). No cam angle sensor on exhaust cam, now located in distributor. Rubber plug where cam angle sensor would mount. Black cam cover. No PGM-EFi plate on the inlet manifold, replaced with three ribs instead. P29 stamped on inlet manifold. MAP sensor on TB. +7cc PM7 pistons, pent roof combustion chamber. As a ZC only appeared in EG5 Civic bodies, no Integra or CRX received this engine. Reasonably common produced from '92 to '94. (20th Anniversary edition & Japanese car of the year) D-series version D16A8/9 (Euro & Australia Civic Si & NZ Civic Gti) (sometimes +7cc P29 pistons) Е серия: EB The EB series displaced 1,170 cc (1.17 L; 71 cu in) and was an SOHC 8-valve design with a 2 barrel carburetor. Output for the EB1 was 50 bhp (37 kW) @ 5000 rpm and 59 ft•lbf (80 N•m) @ 3000 rpm, and this was up to 63 bhp (47 kW) @ 5000 rpm and 77 ft•lbf (104 N•m) @ 3000 rpm for the EB2 and EB3. EB1 1973- Honda Civic EB2 1974-1979 Honda Civic EB3 1978-1979 Honda Civic [edit] EC The EC series engine is used in the gasoline/electric Honda Insight Hybrid. This 3 cylinder Engine is a SOHC 12 valve sized 995 cc (0.995 L; 60.7 cu in)-DK. The ECA1 produces 68 hp (50 kW) @ 5700 rpm and 67 ft•lbf (N•m) of torque @ 4800. The ECA1 motor is assisted in various circumstances by a 10 kW permanent magnet DC electric motor adding 8 horsepower (6.0 kW) and 16 ft•lbf (22 N•m) torque throughout the entire RPM range. It is related to the Honda E07A engine. ECA1 2000-2006 Honda Insight [edit] ED The ED series introduced the CVCC technology. This group displaced 1,487 cc (1.487 L; 90.7 cu in) and used an SOHC 8-valve design. Output with a 3 barrel carburetor was 52 hp (39 kW) @ 5000 rpm and 68 ft•lbf (92 N•m) @ 3000 rpm. ED1 1975- Honda Civic CVCC ED2 1975- Honda Civic Wagon ED3 1976-1979 Honda Civic CVCC ED4 1976-1979 Honda Civic Wagon [edit] EF The EF displaced 1.6 L (1598 cc) and was an SOHC 12-valve (CVCC) engine with a 3 barrel carburetor. Output was 68 hp (51 kW) @ 5000 rpm and 85 ft•lbf (115 N•m) @ 3000 rpm. EF 2-port 1976-1978 Honda Accord [edit] EG The EG displaced 1,598 cc (1.598 L; 97.5 cu in) and was an SOHC 8-valve engine with a 2 barrel carburetor. Output was 68 hp (51 kW) @ 5000 rpm and 85 ft•lbf (115 N•m) @ 3000 rpm. EG 1976-1978 Honda Accord Non USDM [edit] EH The EH started out as an air-cooled 356cc 2 cylinder engine producing 30PS used in the 1970-1973 Honda Vamos, the Honda N360 and the Honda Z360. It was later converted to water cooled due to emission concerns, used in the first generation Honda Acty and eventually enlarged to both 402cc and 545cc that was later installed in the Honda Today and the second generation Honda Acty truck during the mid-1980's. The Horsepower rating of the 545cc engine was 28PS @ 5500RPM, and 4.2 kg m @ 4000 RPM. [edit] EJ The EJ displaced 1,335 cc (1.335 L; 81.5 cu in) and was an SOHC 12-valve CVCC engine with a 3 barrel carburetor. 4 intake valves, 4 exhaust valves, and 4 auxiliary valves. Output was 68 hp (51 kW) @ 5000 rpm and 77 ft•lbf (104 N•m) @ 3000 rpm. EJ1 1980- Honda Civic 1981-1983 Honda Civic CVCC [edit] EK There were 2 different EK engines, until late 1979 the heads used a two port exhaust design. On the 1979 through 1981 EK1 the head used a four port exhaust design. For 1982 and 1983, the intake and exhaust port layout was changed, and head bolt spacing was changed to allow better flow. EK motors used Honda's CVCC design, and were 8 valve motors with 4 additional auxiliary intake valves. Both displaced 1,751 cc (1.751 L; 106.9 cu in). 2-port output was 72 hp (54 kW) @ 4500 rpm and 94 ft•lbf (127 N•m) @ 3000 rpm, while the original 4-port head raised this to 75 hp (56 kW) @ 4500 rpm and 96 ft•lbf (130 N•m) @ 3000 rpm. The revised 4-port had another slight horsepower increase. EK1 2-port 1979 Honda Accord 1979 Honda Prelude EK1 4-port 1980-1981 Honda Accord 1980-1981 Honda Prelude EK1 4-port (Revised) 1982-1983 Honda Accord 1982 Honda Prelude 1981-1985 Honda Vigor [edit] EL The EL displaced 1,602 cc (1.602 L; 97.8 cu in) and was an SOHC 8-valve engine with a 2 barrel carburetor. Output was 78 hp (55 kW) @ 5000 rpm and 97 ft•lbf (125 N•m) @ 3000 rpm. EL1 1979-1983 Honda Accord Non USDM 1979-1982 Honda Prelude (Australian and Canadian models) Non USDM [edit] EM The EM displaced 1,487 cc (1.487 L; 90.7 cu in) and was an SOHC 12-valve CVCC engine. Early versions produced 52 hp (39 kW) @ 5000 rpm and 68 ft•lbf (92 Nm) @ 3000 rpm, while later ones upped the output to 63 hp (47 kW) @ 5000 rpm and 77 ft•lbf (104 N•m) @ 3000 rpm. All used a 3 barrel carburetor. EM1 1980 Honda Civic, 52 hp (39 kW) 1981-1983 Honda Civic, 63 hp (47 kW) [edit] EN The EN displaced 1,335 cc (1.335 L; 81.5 cu in). 8 valve head fitted on Civics in Canada, and also to the Triumph Acclaim in the UK. All Aluminum engine. EN1 1980-1983 Wagons and Hatchbacks EN4 1981-1984 Triumph Acclaim, twin carb, 71 bhp (53 kW) [edit] EP The EP displaced 1,601 cc (1.601 L; 97.7 cu in) and was an SOHC 8-valve engine with a 2 barrel carburetor. Output was 90 ps (66 kW) @ 5500 rpm and 13.2 kg•m (129 N•m) @ 3500 rpm. EP 1980-1985 Honda Quint 1980-1981 Honda Accord [edit] ER The ER displaced 1,237 cc (75.5 cu in) and is a 8 valve SOHC Naturally Asperated engine (CVCC) compression ratio: 10.2:1 Max Power 56 bhp (42 kW) @ 5500 Max Torque 68.7 ft•lbf (93.1 N•m) @ 3,500 rpm bore 66mm (2.60") stroke 90mm (3.54") carburetted version runs a keihin 2bbl carbuettor (honda city) this engine also has a turbocharged EFI configuration (honda city turbo 1&2) ER1-4 Honda City [edit] ES The ES displaced 1,829 cc (1.829 L; 111.6 cu in). All ES engines were SOHC 12-valve engines. The ES1 used dual sidedraft carburetors to produce 100 hp (75 kW) @ 5500 rpm and 104 ft•lbf (141 N•m) @ 4000 rpm. The ES2 replaced this with a standard 3 barrel carburetor for 86 hp (64 kW) @ 5800 rpm and 99 ft•lbf (134 N•m) @ 3500 rpm. Finally, the ES3 used PGM-FI for 101 hp (75 kW) @ 5800 rpm and 108 ft•lbf (146 N•m) @ 2500 rpm. ES1 1983-1984 Honda Prelude ES2 1984-1985 Honda Accord ES3 1985- Honda Accord SE-i 1981-1985 Honda Vigor [edit] ET The ET displaced 1,829 cc (1.829 L; 111.6 cu in) and was an SOHC 12-valve engine. ET1 had a single, downdraft carb with 4-1 exhaust manifold. The ET2 with dual sidedraft carburetors and 4-2-1 exhaust manifold produced 100 hp (75 kW) @ 5500 rpm and 104 ft•lbf (141 N•m) @ 4000 rpm. ET1 1984-1985 Honda Accord (Non USDM Only) ET2 1985-1986 Honda Prelude [edit] EV The EV displaced 1,342 cc (1.342 L; 81.9 cu in) and was an SOHC 12-valve design. 3 barrel carburetors produced 60 hp (45 kW) @ 5500 rpm and 73 ft•lbf (99 N•m) @ 3500 rpm. EV1 1984-1986 Honda Civic 1984-1986 Honda CRX EV2 1984-1989 Rover 213 [edit] EW The final E-family engine was the EW. Displacing 1,488 cc (1.488 L; 90.8 cu in), the EWs were SOHC 12-valve engines. Early 3 barrel EW1s produced between 58 to 76 hp (43 to 57 kW) and 80 to 84 ft•lbf (108 to 114 N•m). The fuel injected EW3 and EW4 produced 91 hp (68 kW) @ 5500 rpm and 93 ft•lbf (126 N•m) @ 4500 rpm. The "EW" name was replaced by the Honda D series. In 1987 the EW (1, 2, 3, 4, and 5) was renamed to D15A (1, 2, 3, 4, and 5). It also received a new engine stamp placement on the front of the engine like the "modern D series" (1988+). EW1 1984-1985 Honda Civic/CRX DX(unlabeled) 1984-1987 Honda Civic EW2 1984-1987 Honda Civic non-CVCC EFI (CDM) EW3 1985- Honda Civic/CRX Si non-CVCC EW4 1985-1987 Honda CRX Si non-CVCC 1986-1987 Honda Civic Si non-CVCC EW5 similar to the EW1, Fuel injected CVCC 12Valve 4 Aux valves. A third throttle plate in the throttle body supplied intake air to a 5th injector which powered the CVCC ports, The rated power is different between the Civic and the CR-X the Civic makes 100 PS (99 hp) 5800 rpm 13.2 kg/m (9.7 lb•ft) torque @ 4000 rpm, the CR-X made 110 PS (110 hp) 5800 rpm 13.8 kg/m (10.2 lb•ft) torque @ 4500 rpm. Differences in power are largely down to a more efficient exhaust system on the CR-X it used a factory cast iron 4-2-1 extractor went through a catalytic converter further down the exhaust system and had twin exit tail pipes. The Civic had a short 4-1 design into a catalytic converter and single pipe exit. There was a revised intake manifold for vehicles produced in 1986 and 1987. The EW5 was only available in Japan. It came in the following models: CR-X 1.5i, Civic 25i Hatchback, Ballade CRi Sedan. Е07А серия: E05A, E07A SOHC 4 Valve EH-cylinder engine which two series-successor, SOHC 4-cylinder engine series 3 cross-flow valve. D structure of a miniature engine, the same as conventional reverse direction (anti-clockwise from the timing belt side). During the first TWODEEMAJORCHANGE "HYPER 12VALVE ENGINE" was called. 吸exhaust valves, driven by the camshaft timing belt, rocker arm through the opening and closing. Two intake and exhaust are placed in two pieces, the spark plug is mounted on the ceiling to the central combustion chamber to keep the camshaft is tilted to the top of the intake valves. Cylinder block, cylinder bore and made of aluminum die-cast series, which is also aluminum and cam covers and oil pan. The fuel system, carburetor (side draft, venturi-type variable) and PGM-FI to the present specification and design, the carburetor has two air-fuel ratio is controlled by air. Exhaust gas purification is done by three-way catalyst, in relation to emissions, the car will be fitted with only the beginning. Then, it was expanded to also apply to commercial vehicles with the amendment. E07A is developed and manufactured by Honda, the total amount of exhaust 656cc, form a series of three-cylinder gasoline engine. Like Honda and was made with a light vehicle. Present on behalf of the E-type engine, i-DSI engine is replaced by Honda P engine. [edit] E05A SOHC 12 valve CV carburetor Displacement: 547cc Inside diameter × stroke: 62.5 × 59.5 Horsepower: 26 kW (36PS) / 6,500 rpm Torque: 44N m (4.5 kg m) / 5,200 rpm (JW2 Honda Today) (HA1, HH1 Honda Acty) [edit] E05A (PGM-FI version) PGM-FI SOHC 12 Valve Displacement: 547cc Inside diameter × stroke: 62.5 × 59.5 Horsepower: 32 kW (44PS) / 8,000 rpm Torque: 45N m (4.6 kg m) / 4,500 rpm (JW2 Honda Today) (HA2, HH2 Honda Acty) [edit] E07A Basic specifications Name E07A Form 3-cylinder water-cooled series Gasoline Fuel 656cc total emission 2 belt drive mechanism of the intake and exhaust valve SOHC 2 Bore × Stroke (mm) 66.0 × 64.0 The basic specification is as above. The fuel supply system, due to carburetor, fuel injection (Honda PGM-FI) by a sequential multi-throttle system and there is MTREC (Multi Throttle Responsive Engine Control). The highest torque output of different models. [edit] All Vehicles equipped with E07A Honda Today Honda Beat Honda Life Honda Acty Honda Z [edit] E07A SOHC 12 valve CV carburetor Displacement: 656cc Inside diameter × stroke: 66.0 × 64.0 Horsepower: 31 kW (42PS) / 6,000 rpm Torque: 53N m (5.4 kg m) / 5,000 rpm (JA2 Honda Today) [edit] E07A (PGM-FI version) PGM-FI SOHC 12 Valve Displacement: 656cc Inside diameter × stroke: 66.0 × 64.0 Horsepower: 43 kW (48PS) / 6,300 rpm Torque: 57N m (5.8 kg m) / 5,500 rpm (JA4 Honda Today) [edit] MTREC (E07A) NATURALASPIRATION in order to achieve higher output in the engine intake manifold of the lower chamber of each cylinder intake capacity (INMANI) have a separate throttle valve. Controlled by engine rpm and throttle opening degree of the air-fuel ratio (θTH-Ne), and sharp throttle response. In addition, when idling is controlled by negative pressure and engine rpm INMANI (Pb-Ne: D Nick JETRO) switch, and has both a high idle stability. E07A (MTREC version) SOHC 12 valve MTREC Displacement: 656cc Inside diameter × stroke: 66.0 × 64.0 Horsepower: 47 kW (64PS) / 8,100 rpm Torque: 60N m (6.1 kg m) / 7,000 rpm (PP1 Honda Beat) (JA4 Honda Today) [edit] E07Z The revision to the mini-vehicle standards, improve environmental performance (LEV-) goal was to improve fuel efficiency. For improving environmental performance, improving the combustion DIRECTIGNITION the adoption of the compression ratio and optimized, high performance three-way catalyst was mounted immediately after the engine (by expanding the area of the cell-reaction) to the , improving the speed and accuracy of air-fuel ratio control. For improved fuel efficiency, improve the combustion and reduce friction through adoption of the rocker arm type ROLLERFORWARD was supported by the low rotational torque by adopting improved knock control. [edit] 3-Mode VTEC (ECA) Been developed for the Insight is Honda's first hybrid cars, DC to assist low-profile for mounting between a brushless motor and transmission, 995cc engine displacement of the cylinder and the three, tried a compact and lightweight. VTEC-E, based on type and use the rocker arm ROLLERFORWARD, VTEC valve to narrow the angle due to the clip and roller pin coaxial switch, enabling rotation 3-Mode in the region to give rise to civil strong swirl did. Other, reducing friction and is offset from the axis of the cylinder crankshaft, changes were made from lightweight materials fee.[1] ECA specifications SOHC 12 valve VTEC PGM-FI Displacement: 995cc Inside diameter × stroke: 72.0 × 81.5 Horsepower: 50 kW (70PS) / 5,700 rpm Torque: 92N m (9.4 kg m) / 4,800 rpm (ZE1 Honda Insight coupe) [edit] E07Z PGM-FI SOHC 12 Valve Displacement: 656cc Inside diameter × stroke: 66.0 × 64.0 Horsepower: 39 kW (53PS) / 7,000 rpm Torque: 61N m (6.2 kg m) / 4,000 rpm (HM2 Honda Vamos) Honda Acty truck (HA6 / 7) Honda Acty van (HH5 / 6) Honda Vamos / Honda Vamos Hobio (HM1 / 2) Honda Vamos Hobio (commercial grade HJ1 / 2) Honda Life (JB1 / 2) Honda Z (PA1) Honda That's (JD1/2) [edit] E07Z (turbo version) PGM-FI SOHC 12 valve turbo Displacement: 656cc Inside diameter × stroke: 66.0 × 64.0 Horsepower: 47 kW (64PS) / 6,000 rpm Torque: 93N m (9.5 kg m) / 3,700 rpm (HM1 Vamos) Honda Vamos / Vamos Hobio (HM1 / 2) Honda Life Dunk (JB3 / 4) Honda Z (PA1) Honda That's (JD1/2) F серия: SOHC engines [edit] F18A This engine was used by Honda. Bore × Stroke: 85.0 × 81.0 mm Displacement: 1849 cc Valve Configuration: SOHC, 16 valves 118 bhp up to 1997 105PS @ 6000 rpm, 14.6 kg m @ 4000 rpm (PGM-carb) Fuel consumption : 13.0 km/l [edit] F18B This engine was used for the Honda Accord 1.8 VTS/VTE in Japan. Also found in the European Honda Accord Vtec S. Specifications Bore × Stroke: 85.0 × 81.0 mm Displacement: 1849 cc Valve Configuration: SOHC, 16 valves, VTEC Compression ratio: 9.3:1 Max power: 138PS (103 kW) Max torque: 124 ft•lbf (165 N m) [edit] F20A This engine series was used in the Honda Accords in Japan and Europe. The DOHC F20A was also derived from this engine (see below). Specifications Bore × Stroke: 85.0 × 88.0 mm Displacement: 1997 cc Compression ratio : 9.5:1 Valve Configuration: SOHC, 16 valves Max output : F20A2 / F20A8 110 PS @ 6000 rpm (PGM-carb) Max output : F20A4 133 PS @ 5400 rpm (PGM-Fi) Max output : F20A5 150 Ps @ 5400 rpm (PGM-Fi) Max output : F20A7 147 PS @ 5600 rpm (PGM-Fi) Max torque : F20A2 / F20A4 / F20A8 18.5 kg m @ 4300 rpm (PGM-Fi), 16.1 kg m @ 3800 rpm (PGM-carb) Max torque : F20A7 19.3 kg m @ 4400 rpm (PGM-Fi) Fuel consumption (Japan Combined Cycle) : 9.6 km/l (PGM-Fi), 9.8 km/l (PGM-carb) This engine also spawned many variants, according to market, but the specs remain largely similar, The F20A5 it's used in the Cb3 and Cb4 Chassis [edit] F20B Specifications Displacement: 1997 cc Configuration Valve: SOHC/DOHC, 16 valves, VTEC/Non-Vtec This engine came in SOHC in vtec and non vtec, there is also a DOHC VTEC version of the engine, they all share the same engine code although they are very different. DOHC VTEC Manual Version: 197 HP @ 7200RPM 145 TQ @ 6600RPM 11.0:1 CR 85mm bore 88mm stroke 23mm wrist pin 145.5mm rods (f20b rod length = 145.425) 1.65 r/s ratio 55mm mains like h22a4 block rod journal has been offset ground on both sides to the size of a b-series rod journal. [edit] F20Z This engine series is similar to the F20A above, used in the Honda Accord in Asia and Europe. Specifications Bore × Stroke: 85.0 × 88.0 mm Displacement: 1997 cc Valve Configuration: SOHC, 16 valves [edit] F22A This engine series was used in the Honda Accord and Honda Prelude S. Aside from differences in tuning, these engines are substantially similar. Specifications Bore × Stroke: 85.0 × 95.0 mm Displacement: 2156 cc Valve Configuration: SOHC, 16 valves, non-VTEC Compression ratio: 8.8:1 Max power: F22A1: 125 hp (93.21 4 kW) @ 5200 rpm. NOTE* The 1992-1996 Prelude S had a F22A1 but because of a different more aggressively tuned ECU (P12), the power output was 135 hp (101 kW). F22A4: 130 hp (96.94 kW) @ 5200 rpm. The F22A4 is the same motor as the F22A1 but it has slightly more power due to a tubular designed header and slightly bigger exhaust piping. F22A6: 140 hp (104.40 kW) @ 5600 rpm. The F22A6 is the same as the F22A1 except for a slightly more aggressive camshaft, a better flowing cast exhaust manifold, a different more aggressively tuned ECU (PT6), and a different intake manifold that utilizes IAB's and also has a bigger plenum. The F22A6 also has a windage tray in the oil pan, and stiffer valve springs to accommodate the more aggressive camshaft. F22A7: 140 hp (104.40 kW) @ 5900 rpm (147hp/108kW with manual transmission) Max torque: F22A1: 137 ft•lbf (186 N m) @ 4000 rpm F22A4: 142 ft•lbf (193 N m) @ 4000 rpm F22A6: 142 ft•lbf (193 N m) @ 4500 rpm F22A7: 145 ft•lbf (198 N m) @ 5000 rpm [edit] F22B1 This engine was used in the Honda Accord EX and Acura CL 2.2. It was the first F engine to feature VTEC. This engine has a different head than the f22a6 (specifically exhaust manifold/header-pipe as well as intake gasket). Specifications Bore × Stroke: 85.0 × 95.0 mm Displacement: 2156 cc Valve Configuration: SOHC, 16 valves, VTEC Compression ratio: 8.8:1 Max power: 145 hp (108 kW) @ 5500 rpm Max torque: 147 ft•lbf (199 N m) @ 4500 rpm [edit] F22B2 This engine was used in the 1994-1997 Honda Accord DX, LX and SE. The F22B6 in the 1995-1997 Honda Odyssey and the F22B8 in the Honda Shuttle are substantially similar. Also the F22B3 engine used in the 1994-1997 Australian and New Zealand Honda Accord LXi are basically the same engine apart from slightly different intake and exhaust manifolds. Specifications Bore × Stroke: 85.0 × 95.0 mm Displacement: 2156 cc Valve Configuration: SOHC, 16 valves Compression ratio: 8.8:1 Max power: 130 hp (97 kW) @ 5300 rpm Max torque: 139 ft•lbf (188 N m) @ 4200 rpm The F22B in the BA9 Prelude had a DOHC configuration JDM engines were stamped only as F22B. [edit] F22Z2 This engine was used in the Honda Accord 2.2i. Specifications Bore × Stroke: 85.0 × 95.0 mm Displacement: 2156 cc Valve Configuration: SOHC, 16 valves, VTEC Compression ratio: 9.3:1 Max power: 150 hp (112 kW) @ 5500 rpm Max torque: 148 ft•lbf (200 Nm) @ 4500 rpm [edit] F23A1 This engine was used in the 1998-2002 Honda Accord LX, EX, and SE, and in the Acura 2.3CL in North America. Specifications Bore × Stroke: 86.0 × 97.0 mm Displacement: 2254 cc Valve Configuration: SOHC, 16 valves, VTEC Compression ratio: 9.3:1 Max power: 150 hp (112 kW) @ 5700 rpm Max torque: 152 ft•lbf (205 N m) @ 4900 rpm [edit] F23A4 This engine was used in the 1998-2002 Honda Accord ULEV models. It is substantially similar to the F23A1, but features ULEV certification with a slight reduction of power: 148 hp (110 kW) with a maximum torque of 148 ft•lbf (200 Nm). This engine has a different exhaust manifold and a 32-bit ECU which uses a wideband oxygen sensor. [edit] F23A5 This engine was used in the 1998-2002 Honda Accord DX and the 2002 Honda Accord LX VP (value package) in North America. Specifications Bore × Stroke: 86.0 × 97.0 mm Displacement: 2254 cc Valve Configuration: SOHC, 16 valves Compression ratio: 8.8:1 Max power: 135 hp (100 kW) @ 5500 rpm Max torque: 153 ft•lbf (206 Nm) @ 4500 rpm [edit] F23A7 This engine was substantially similar to the F23A1. It was used in the 1998 Honda Odyssey and the 1998-1999 Isuzu Oasis. [edit] DOHC engines [edit] F20A This engine was used in the 1990-1993 CB3 and CB4Honda Accord 2.0Si and Si-T in Japan. And the Honda prelude BB3-BB9 96-01 in Europe. Specifications Bore × Stroke: 85.0 × 88.0 mm Displacement: 1997 cc Valve Configuration: SOHC, 16 valves Compression ratio: 9.5:1 Max power: 150 hp (112 kW) @ 6100 rpm Max torque: 137 ft•lbf (186 Nm) @ 5000 rpm [edit] F20B This engine series was used in the CF4, CF5, CF9, CL3 Honda Accord and Honda Torneo from Japan. It uses a DOHC VTEC cylinder head similar to the H22A found in the Prelude but was designed to comply with many countries' sub-2.0 liter tax. The automatic transmission versions received the lower hp version (180 hp), as it was tuned for more mid-range torque than its manual transmission counterpart. Specifications Accord SiR wagon, SiR-T F20B 97-01 2.0L Valve train: 4 Cylinder, DOHC VTEC, 16 Valve Bore: 85.0 mm Stroke: 88.0 mm Displacement: 1997 cc Torque: 145 ft•lbf (197 N•m) @ 5500 rpm Horsepower: 200 hp (150 kW) @ 7000 rpm Red Line: 8200 rpm Compression: 11.0:1 Fuel Control: OBD-2 [edit] F20C Main article: Honda F20C engine This engine was a radical departure from previous F engines, and only shared basic dimensions such as bore spacing. It was designed specifically for the Honda S2000 and shares some engineering with the Honda K engine. A long-stroke F22C1 variant was also produced. [edit] F22b This engine was used in the 1992-1996 Honda Prelude Si in Japan. It is similar to the H23A Specifications 2.2L Bore × Stroke: 85.0 × 95.0 mm Displacement: 2156 cc Valve Configuration: DOHC, 16 valves Compression ratio: 9.3:1 Max power: 166 hp (119 kW) @ 6000 rpm Max torque: 150 ft•lbf (200 N m) @ 5000 rpm F 20c серия F20C The F20C was designed with high maximum rpm capability in mind, for increased power output; redline is at 9000 rpm, with VTEC engagement at 6000 rpm. F20C relatively long stroke of 84mm and 9000 rpm result in a mean piston speed of 4965 ft/m or 25m/s, which is the highest piston speed for any production car to date.[1] Power output is 240 bhp (179 kW) at 8300 rpm in North America and Europe. The Japanese version, which has a higher compression ratio, is capable of 250 PS (247 bhp) at 8600 rpm. Honda's F20C Engine won a spot on Wards' 10 Best Engines List four times, in 2000, 2001, 2002 and 2003. The engine displaces 1,997 cc (121.9 cu in), lending to the Honda S2000's name. This method of naming follows suit with the rest of the Honda S roadsters (ie. Honda S500, S600, and S800). The F20C's bore is 87 mm (3.4 in) and stroke is 84 mm (3.3 in). Applications: 1999-2004 Honda S2000 (Japan) 2000-2003 Honda S2000 (F20C1) (North America) 1999-present Honda S2000 (United Kingdom, Europe, Australia) The F20C produces the highest specific power output for any naturally aspirated 2.0L piston engine in a car worth less than US$100,000, at 120 hp (89 kW) per liter, ahead of the 1.6 L (98 cu in) Honda B16B engine found in the 1996-2000 Honda Civic Type R producing 185 bhp (138 kW) for a specific power of 115.8 bhp (86.4 kW) per liter. [edit] F22C F22C In 2004, Honda produced a stroked 90.7 mm (3.57 in) version of the F20C, increasing displacement by 160 cc (9.8 cu in) to 2,157 cc (131.6 cu in). Dubbed the F22C1, it was originally designed for the North American market being introduced for the 2004 model year. Rated torque increased from 153 ft•lbf (207 N•m) at 7500 rpm for the F20C to 162 ft•lbf (220 N•m) at 6200 rpm for the F22C. The redline was reduced from 9000 rpm to 8000 rpm, mandated by the longer travel distance of the pistons. Peak horsepower output is rated identical to the F20C. The F22C1 was used exclusively in the North American market for 2004 and 2005 with the F20C being used in all other markets. Despite the displacement increase, the car to which the F22C1 is mated retains the name of Honda S2000. In 2006, the engine fully replaced F20 engines in the Japanese market as well which resulted in a drop in rated power output from 250 PS (247 bhp) to 242 PS (239 bhp) due to compression being reduced from 11.7:1 to 11.0:1. The UK, European, and Australian markets are currently the only areas in which the S2000 retains the F20C. Applications: 2004-present Honda S2000 (F22C1)(North America) 2005-present Honda S2000 (Japan) Not a 1990–2000 e36 BMW (no where) G серия: Type: In-line 5 cylinder, aluminum block and head Valve Configuration: SOHC, with 4 valves per cylinder G20A1 Displacement: 1,990 cc (121 cu in) G25A1 Displacement: 2,451 cc (149.6 cu in) Bore: 85.0 mm (3.35 in) Stroke: 86.40 mm (3.402 in) Compression ratio: 9.0:1 Max Power: 176 hp (131 kW) @ 6300 rpm Max Torque: 170 ft•lbf (230 N•m) @3900 Redline: 6800 rpm Fuel Cutoff: 7100 rpm H серия: H22 The H22 debuted in the U.S. in 1993 as the H22A1 for use in the Honda Prelude VTEC. Since then, versions of the H22 would become the Prelude's signature high-performance engine worldwide until the end of Prelude production in 2001. Variations were also used in a few Accords in Japan and Europe. Specifications" Bore × Stroke: 87.0 mm × 90.70 mm (3.43 in × 3.57 in) Displacement: 2,157 cc (131.6 cu in) Valve Configuration: DOHC, 16 valves, VTEC Type: In-line 4 cylinder, aluminum block and head Compression ratio: 10.0-10.6:1 (North America); 10.0-11.0:1 (Europe); 10.6-11.0:1 (Japan) Max power: 185-220 PS Redline: 7200/7600 rpm Rev Cut: 7400/7800 rpm Engine Control System: Honda Systems PGM-FI with port fuel injection Valve Gear: Belt-driven dual overhead cams, 4 valves per cylinder, variable timing and lift 92-96 versions use closed-deck blocks with FRM liners while the 97-01 versions used open-deck blocks with FRM liners. H22A Found in the Japanese 4th gen Prelude Si VTEC (2WS BB4 & 4WS BB1). It produces 200 PS (147 kW; 197 hp) @ 6,800 rpm & 161.50 ft•lbf (218.96 N•m) @ 5,500 rpm and comes with a "black top". Found in the Japanese 5th gen Prelude SiR (2WS BB6 & 4WS BB8). It produces 200 PS (147 kW; 197 hp) @ 6,800 rpm & 161 ft•lbf (218 N•m) @ 5,500 rpm and comes with a "black top". Found in the Japanese 5th gen Prelude SiR S-Spec and Type-S (BB6). It produces 220 PS (162 kW; 217 hp) @ 7,200 rpm & 163 ft•lbf (221 N•m) @ 6,500 rpm and comes with a "red top". Found in the Japanese 6th gen Accord/Torneo Euro-R (CL1). It produces 220 PS (162 kW; 217 hp) @ 7,200 rpm & 163 ft•lbf (221 N•m) @ 6,500 rpm and comes with a "red top". Found in the Japanese 5th gen Accord SiR Sedan (CD6). It produces 190 PS (140 kW; 187 hp) @ 6,800 rpm & 152 ft•lbf (206 N•m) @ 5,500 rpm and comes with a "black top". Found in the Japanese 5th gen Accord SiR Coupe (CD7). It produces 190 PS (140 kW; 187 hp) @ 6,800 rpm & 152 ft•lbf (206 N•m) @ 5,500 rpm and comes with a "black top". Found in the Japanese 5th gen Accord SiR Wagon (CF2). It produces 190 PS (140 kW; 187 hp) @ 6,800 rpm & 152 ft•lbf (206 N•m) @ 5,500 rpm and comes with a "black top". H22A1 Found in the American 4th gen Prelude VTEC (BB1). It produces 190 PS (140 kW; 187 hp) @ 6,800 rpm & 158 ft•lbf (214 N•m) @ 5,500 rpm and comes with a "black top". Found in the Canadian 4th gen Prelude SR-V (BB1). It produces 190 PS (140 kW; 187 hp) @ 6,800 rpm & 158 ft•lbf (214 N•m) @ 5,500 rpm and comes with a "black top". Found in the Australian 4th gen VTi-R (BB1). It produces 190 PS (140 kW; 187 hp) @ 6,800 rpm & 158 ft•lbf (214 N•m) @ 5,500 rpm and comes with a "black top". H22A2 Found in the European 4th gen Prelude 2.2i VTEC (BB1). It produces 185 PS (136 kW; 182 hp) and comes with a "black top". H22A3 Found in the 1996 VTEC model (BB1) in various countries around the world denoted with regional code KU. It comes with a "black top". H22A4 Found in the American 5th gen Prelude Base and Type-SH (BB6). It produces 200 PS (147 kW; 197 hp) @ 7,000 rpm & 156 ft•lbf (212 N•m) @ 5,250 rpm and comes with a "black top". Found in the Canadian 5th gen Prelude Base, Type-SH, and SE (BB6). It produces 200 PS (147 kW; 197 hp) @ 7,000 rpm & 156 ft•lbf (212 N•m) @ 5,250 rpm and comes with a "black top". Found in the Australian 1997-1998 Prelude VTi-R and VTi-R ATTS (BB6). It produces 200 PS (147 kW; 197 hp) @ 7,000 rpm & 156 ft•lbf (212 N•m) @ 5,250 rpm and comes with a "black top". H22A5 Found in the European 1997-1998 Prelude 2.2VTi/VTi-S (2WS BB6 & 4WS BB8). It produces 185 PS (136 kW; 182 hp) and comes with a "black top". H22A7 Found in the European 1998-2002 Accord Type-R (CH1). It produces 215 PS (158 kW; 212 hp) and comes with a "red top". H22A8 Found in the European 1999-2001 Prelude 2.2VTi/VTi-S (2WS BB6 & 4WS BB8). It produces 200 PS (147 kW; 197 hp) and comes with a "red top". H22Z1 Found in the Australian 1999-2001 VTi-R and VTi-R ATTS (BB6). It is identical to the H22A4, however, there is also speculation that power was increased from 200 PS (147 kW; 197 hp) to 203 PS (149 kW; 200 hp). It comes with a "red top". [edit] H23 The H23 was an increased-stroke, non-VTEC version of the H22, used in Japan, North America, and Europe. It shared the same Fiber Reinforced Metal (FRM) cylinder wall liners with the H22. Specifications Bore × Stroke: 87.0 mm × 95.0 mm (3.43 in × 3.74 in) Displacement: 2,258 cc (137.8 cu in) Valve Configuration: DOHC, 16 valves Type: In-line 4 cylinder, aluminum block and head Compression ratio: 9.8:1 Max power: 160 hp (119 kW) Max torque: 163ft•lbf (207 Nm) Redline: 6500 rpm Engine Control System: Honda Systems PGM-FI with port fuel injection Valve Gear: belt-driven dual overhead cams, 4 valves per cylinder H23A Found in the Japanese 1992-1996 Ascot Innova 2.3Si-Z (2WS CC4 & 4WS CC5). It produces 165 PS (121 kW; 163 hp) & 156 ft•lbf (212 N•m) and comes with a "black top". H23A1 Found in the American 4th gen Prelude Si (BB2). It produces 162 PS (119 kW; 160 hp) & 156 ft•lbf (212 N•m) and comes with a "black top". Found in the American 1995 Prelude SE (BB2). It produces 162 PS (119 kW; 160 hp) & 156 ft•lbf (212 N•m) and comes with a "black top". Found in the Canadian 4th gen Prelude SR (BB2). It produces 162 PS (119 kW; 160 hp) & 156 ft•lbf (212 N•m) and comes with a "black top". Found in the Australian 4th gen Prelude Si (BB2). It produces 160 PS (118 kW; 158 hp) & 156 ft•lbf (212 N•m) and comes with a "black top". Found in the Australian 1991-1993 Prelude SRS (BB2). It produces 160 PS (118 kW; 158 hp) & 156 ft•lbf (212 N•m) and comes with a "black top". H23A2 Found in the European 4th gen Prelude 2.3i (BB2). It produces 160 PS (118 kW; 158 hp) & 154 ft•lbf (209 N•m) and comes with a "black top". H23A3 Found in the European 1993-1995 Accord 2.3i SR (CC7). It produces 158 PS (116 kW; 156 hp) & 154 ft•lbf (209 N•m) and comes with a "black top". Found in the European 1992-1996 Rover 623 SLi, GSi, and iS. It produces 158 PS (116 kW; 156 hp) & 154 ft•lbf (209 N•m) and comes with a "black top". [edit] H23A VTEC In 1998 Honda produced a rare VTEC version of the H23 engine for use in Japan only. It is essentially an H23 block with an H22 head. The power is on par with a typical H22 engine, but with a lower redline. Specifications Bore × Stroke: 87.0 mm × 95.0 mm (3.43 in × 3.74 in) Displacement: 2,258 cc (137.8 cu in) Valve Configuration: DOHC, 16 valves, VTEC Type: In-line 4 cylinder, aluminum block and head Compression ratio: 10.6:1 Max output : 200 PS (147 kW; 197 hp) @ 6800 rpm Max torque : 163 ft•lbf (221 N•m) @ 5300 rpm Redline: 7000 rpm H23A VTEC Found in the Japanese 1998-2002 Accord Wagon SiR (CH9). It produces 200 PS (147 kW; 197 hp) & 163 ft•lbf (221 N•m) and comes with a "blue top". Found in the Japanese 1998-2002 Accord Wagon AWD (CL2). It produces 200 PS (147 kW; 197 hp) & 163 ft•lbf (221 N•m) and comes with a "blue top". J серия: J25 The J25A was the first J-series engine produced. It was only used in the export-model Inspire/Saber models, however. The J25A displaced 2.5 L (~153 cu in) and was an SOHC Gasoline direct injection VTEC design. Output was 192 hp (143 kW). J25A 1998-2003 Honda Inspire 1999 Honda Saber [edit] J30 The J30 displaces 2,997 cc (2.997 L; 182.9 cu in) and is a SOHC VTEC design. Output for the light weight 250 lb (110 kg) J30A1 was 200 hp (150 kW) and 195 lb•ft (264 N•m) of torque. The J30A4 pushed output to 240 hp (180 kW) and 212 lb•ft (287 N•m) using a three-way VTEC system, higher (10:1) compression ratio, and a novel exhaust manifold cast as one piece with the cylinder head. It weighs nearly 20 lb (9.1 kg) lighter and is an inch shorter than J30A1. This version was on the Ward's 10 Best Engines list for 2003 and 2004. The IMA hybrid version was on the list for 2005. In 2006 to mark the 30th anniversary of the Accord, Honda created the J30A5, which boosted output to 244 hp (SAE Net 08/04) and 211 ft•lbf (SAE Net 08/04) of torque. According to Honda, horsepower gains were achieved with extensive improvements to the airflow of the intake and exhaust system. J30A1 1997-1999 Acura 3.0CL 1999-2003 Honda Avancier 1998-2002 Honda Accord V6 J30A4 2003-2005 Honda Accord V6 J30A5 2006-2007 Honda Accord V6 Variable Cylinder Management 2005 Honda Accord Hybrid 2003-2007 Honda Inspire [edit] J32 The J32 displaces 3.2 L (~195 cu in) and is a SOHC VTEC design. Bore is 89 mm (3.5 in) and stroke is 86 mm (3.4 in). Output was 225 hp (168 kW) for the J32A1, with the J32A2 raising output to 260 hp (194 kW) @ 6200 rpm and 232 lb•ft (315 N•m) @ 3500-5500 rpm. A more aggressive camshaft, freer flowing intake/exhaust, and a 2-stage intake manifold all result in a 35 hp (26 kW) increase over the J32A1. The J32A3's output in the 2004/2005 TL is 270 hp (201 kW). SAE corrected hp for the 2006-2008 TL is 258 hp (192 kW). The J32A3 also includes the one-piece exhaust manifold cast with the cylinder head, first introduced on the J30A4. J32A1 1999-2003 Acura TL 2001-2003 Acura CL 1998-2003 Honda Inspire J32A2 2001-2003 Acura CL Type-S 2002-2003 Acura TL Type-S J32A3 2004-2008 Acura TL [edit] J35 J35Z2 The J35 displaced 3,471 cc (3.471 L; 211.8 cu in) and is an SOHC VTEC design. Bore is 89 mm (3.5 in) and stroke is 93 mm (3.7 in). Output was 210 hp (157 kW) for the J35A1; 240 hp (179 kW) and 253 ft•lbf (343 N•m) (5800/4400 rpm) for the J35A3; 240 hp (179 kW) and 242 ft•lbf (328 N•m) (5500/4500 rpm) for the J35A4. The J35A5 used in the 2004 - 2006 Acura MDX produces 265 hp (198 kW) at 5800 rpm and 250 ft•lbf (339 N•m) at 3500 rpm. The 2003 version of this engine produces 260 hp (194 kW) at 5750 rpm. The new J35 used in the Acura RL produces 290 hp (220 kW) at 6200 rpm and 256 lb•ft (347 N•m) at 5000 rpm. This engine was on the Ward's 10 Best Engines list for 2005 and 2008. The J35A9 used in the 2006 - 2008 Honda Ridgeline produces 247 hp (184 kW) at 5750 rpm and 245 lb•ft (332 N•m) at 4500 rpm. The J35A3 was also used by General Motors in the 2004-2007 Saturn Vue, though it utilized the cast-iron crankshaft from the J35A4 rather than the forged-steel version of the J35A3. GM refers to it as the L66. J35A1 1999 - 2001 Honda Odyssey J35A3 2001 - 2002 Acura MDX 2005 - 2008 Acura RL 2004 - 2007 Saturn Vue L66 J35A4 2002 - 2004 Honda Odyssey 2003 - 2004 Honda Pilot J35A6 2005 - 2009 Honda Odyssey Van, LX, EX 2005 Honda Pilot J35A7 - Variable Cylinder Management 2005-2009 Honda Odyssey EX-L, Touring 2007-present Honda Inspire J35A8 2007 - 2008 Acura TL Type-S J35A9 2006 - 2008 Honda Ridgeline 2006 - 2008 Honda Pilot (VTM-4-equipped models) J35Z1 - Variable Cylinder Management 2006 - 2008 Honda Pilot (front-wheel drive models) J35Z2 - Variable Cylinder Management 2008+ Honda Accord (except V6 6MT coupe) Displacement: 3,471 cc (211.8 cu in) Bore and stroke: 89.0 mm (3.5 in) x 93.0 mm (3.7 in) Compression: 10.5:1 Power, torque: 271 hp (202 kW) @ 6200 rpm; 254 ft•lbf (344 N•m) @ 5000 rpm Valvetrain: 24v SOHC i-VTEC Fuel control: Multi-point fuel injection; PGM-FI J35Z3 2008+ Honda Accord V6 6MT coupe Displacement: 3,471 cc (211.8 cu in) Bore and stroke: 89.0 mm (3.5 in) x 93.0 mm (3.7 in) Compression: 10.0:1 Power, torque: 271 hp (202 kW) @ 6200 rpm; 251 ft•lbf (340 N•m) @ 5000 rpm Valvetrain: 24v SOHC VTEC Fuel control: Multi-point fuel injection; PGM-FI J35Z4 - Variable Cylinder Management 2009 Honda Pilot Displacement: 3,471 cc (211.8 cu in) Bore and stroke: 89.0 mm (3.5 in) x 93.0 mm (3.7 in) Compression: 10.5:1 Power, torque: 250 hp (190 kW) @ 5700 rpm; 253 ft•lbf (343 N•m) @ 4800 rpm Valvetrain: 24 SOHC i-VTEC Fuel control: Multi-point fuel injection; PGM-FI J35Z5 2009 Honda Ridgeline Displacement: 3,471 cc (211.8 cu in) Bore and stroke: 89.0 mm (3.5 in) x 93.0 mm (3.7 in) Compression: 10.0:1 Power, torque: 250 hp (190 kW) @ 5700 rpm; 247 ft•lbf (335 N•m) @ 4300 rpm Valvetrain: 24v SOHC VTEC Fuel control: Multi-point fuel inection; PGM-FI [edit] J37 J37A1 2007+ Acura MDX Displacement: 3,664 cc (223.6 cu in) Bore and stroke: 90.0 mm (3.5 in) x 96.0 mm (3.8 in) Compression: 11.0:1 Power; torque: 300 hp (220 kW) @ 6000 rpm; 275 ft•lbf (373 N•m) @ 5000 rpm Valvetrain: 24v SOHC VTEC Fuel control: Multi-point fuel injection; PGM-FI J37A2 2009 Acura RL Displacement: 3,664 cc (223.6 cu in) Bore and stroke: 90.0 mm (3.5 in) x 96.0 mm (3.8 in) Compression: 11.2:1 Power; torque: 300 hp (220 kW) @ 6300 rpm; 271 ft•lbf (367 N•m) @ 5000 rpm Valvetrain: 24v SOHC VTEC (intake and exhaust) Fuel control: Multi-point fuel injection; PGM-FI J37A4 2009 Acura TL SH-AWD Displacement: 3,664 cc (223.6 cu in) Bore and stroke: 90.0 mm (3.5 in) x 96.0 mm (3.8 in) Compression: 11.2:1 Power; torque: 305 hp (227 kW) @ 6300 rpm; 273 ft•lbf (370 N•m) @ 5000 rpm Valvetrain: 24v SOHC VTEC (intake and exhaust) Fuel control: Multi-point fuel injection; PGM-FI K серия K20A2 Found in: 2002-2004 Acura RSX Type-S and 2002-2005 Honda Civic Type R (EP3, European) Displacement: 1,998 cc (121.9 cu in) Compression: 11.0:1 Power: 201ps @ 7400 rpm Torque: 142 ft•lbf (193N•m) @ 5600 rpm Redline: 8300 rpm I-VTEC engagement: 5800 rpm [edit] K20A3 Found In 2002-2005 Honda Civic Si (EP3) 2002-2005 Honda Civic SiR (EP3)(Canadian version of US Civic Si) 2002-2005 Acura RSX Displacement: 1,998 cc (121.9 cu in) Compression: 9.8:1 Power: 160hp(120 kW) @ 6500 rpm(SAE net J1349 Rev 8/04) Torque: 142 lb•ft (193 N•m)* (191 N•m) @ 4000 rpm(SAE net J1349 Rev 8/04) Redline: 6800 rpm [edit] K20A4 Found in: 2003-2005 Honda Accord (UC1) 2006-2008 Honda Accord (UC3) 2001-2007 Honda CR-V (RD5) 2000-2003 Honda Stream (RN1) 2004-2007 Honda Stream (RN3) [edit] K20A6 Found in: 2003-2005 Honda Accord (European) Displacement: 1,998 cc (121.9 cu in) Compression 9.8:1 Bore / Stroke 86 mm x 86 mm 190nm Torqe @ 4500rpm 160hp @ 6000rpm Similar to the K20A3. [edit] K20Z1 Found in: 05-06 RSX TYPE S Displacement: 1,998 cc (121.9 cu in) Compression: 11:0:1 Power: 201 hp (154 kW) @ 7800 rpm (SAE net J1349 Rev 8/04) Torque: 143 ft•lb (194 Nm) @ 7000 rpm (SAE net J1349 Rev 8/04) Redline: 8300 rpm i-VTEC Engagement Window:5800 rpm [edit] K20Z2 Found in: 2006- Acura CSX (Canada) Displacement: 1,998 cc (121.9 cu in) Compression: 9.6:1 Power: 155 hp (114 kW) @ 6000 rpm (SAE net J1349 Rev 8/04) Torque: 139 ft•lbf (188 N•m) @ 4500 rpm / 188 N•m @ 4200 rpm (Singapore) Redline: 6800 rpm 2006- Honda Civic (JDM) Displacement: 1,998 cc (121.9 cu in) Compression: 9.6:1 Power: 155 hp (114 kW) @ 6000 rpm Torque: 139 ft•lbf (188 N•m) @ 4500 rpm Redline: 6800 rpm 2006- Honda Accord(Europe) Displacement: 1998 cc Compression: 9.6:1 Power: 155 hp (114 kW) @ 6000 rpm Torque: 139 ft•lbf (188 N•m) @ 4500 rpm Redline: 6800 rpm [edit] K20Z3 This inline-4 cylinder internal combustion engine is found in the redesigned Honda Civic Type-R (FN2). It has an aluminium block with an aluminium head, and a bore and stroke of 86 mm x 86 mm, resulting in a 1,998 cc (121.9 cu in) displacement. Found in: 2007 Honda Civic Type-R (FN2) (Europe Market) Displacement : 1,998 cc (121.9 cu in) Compression : 11.7:1 Power: 210 bhp (201 PS, 148 kW) @ 7800 rpm Torque: 142 ft•lbf (193 N•m) @ 5600 rpm Redline: 8200 rpm i-VTEC Engagement: 5,400 rpm [edit] K23 [edit] K23A1 Turbocharged Found in: 2007/2008 Acura RDX Displacement: 2,300 cc (140.4 cu in) [1] Compression: 8.8:1 [2] Power: 240 hp (179 kW) @ 6000 rpm (SAE net) Torque: 260 lb•ft (353 N•m) @ 4500 rpm (SAE net) Redline: 6800 rpm [3] Bore: 86 mm Stroke: 99 mm [edit] K24 K24A4 [edit] K24A1 Found in: 2002-2006 Honda CR-V Displacement: 2,354 cc (143.6 cu in) Bore and Stroke: 87 mm x 99 mm (3.43x3.90 inches) Compression: 9.6:1 Power: 160 hp (120 kW) @ 6000 rpm Torque: 162 ft•lbf (220 N•m) @ 5200 rpm Redline: 6500 rpm [edit] K24A2 Found in: 2004-2008 Acura TSX, JDM CL9 Accord Type-S, RB1 Odyssey Absolute Displacement: 2,354 cc (143.6 cu in) Power: 200 PS (150 kW; 200 hp) @ 6800 rpm Torque: 232 N•m (171 lb•ft) @ 4500 rpm Bore: 87 mm Stroke: 99 mm Redline: Automatic 7100 rpm Sequential Sportshift 7300 rpm (7100 rpm U.S.) Manual 7600 rpm (7100 rpm U.S.) Note: The 2006-2008 K24A2 in the U.S. market Acura TSX has the following improvements K24A3 Found in: 2003-2007 Honda Accord (Europe(EDM)) and Japan(JDM)) and 2003-2007 Honda Accord Euro CL9 (Australia) Displacement: 2,354 cc (143.6 cu in) Bore and Stroke: 87 mm x 99 mm (3.43 x 3.90 inches) Compression: 10.5:1 Power: 189 hp (140 kW) @ 6800 rpm Torque: 164.5 ft•lbf (223 N•m) @ 4500 rpm VTEC Engagement: 6000 rpm Redline: 7400 rpm [edit] K24A4 Found in: 2003-2005 Honda Accord, 2003-2006 Honda Element Displacement: 2,354 cc (143.6 cu in) Bore and Stroke: 87 mm x 99 mm (3.43 x 3.90 inches) Compression: 9.7:1 Power: 160 hp (119 kW) @ 5500 rpm (166 hp in 2007/2008) Torque: 161 ft•lbf (218 N•m) @ 4500 rpm (@4000 rpmin 2007/2008) Redline: 6800 rpm [edit] K24A8 Found in: 2006-2007 Honda Accord Displacement: 2,354 cc (143.6 cu in) Bore and Stroke: 87 mm x 99 mm (3.43 x 3.90 inches) Compression: 9.7:1 Power: 166 hp (124 kW) @ 6000 rpm Torque: 160 lb•ft (217 N•m) @ 4000 rpm Redline: 6500 rpm 2007-2008 Honda Element Displacement: 2,354 cc (143.6 cu in) Bore and Stroke: 87 mm x 99 mm (3.43 x 3.90 inches) Compression: 9.7:1 Power: 166 hp @ 5800 rpm Torque: 161 lb•ft (218 N•m) @ 4000 rpm Redline: 6800 rpm [edit] K24Z1 Found in: 2007- Honda CR-V (RE3, RE4) Displacement: 2,354 cc (143.6 cu in) Bore and Stroke: 87 mm x 99 mm (3.43 x 3.90 inches) Compression: 9.7:1 Power: 166 hp @ 5800 rpm Torque: 161 ft•lbf @ 4200 rpm Redline: 6500 rpm [edit] K24Z2 Found in: 2008 Honda Accord LX/LX-P trim models Displacement: 2,354 cc (143.6 cu in) Bore and Stroke: 87 mm x 99 mm (3.43 x 3.90 inches) Compression: 10.5:1 Power: 177 @ 6500 rpm Torque: 161 ft•lbf @ 4300 rpm Redline: 6800 rpm [edit] K24Z3 Found in: 2008 Honda Accord LX-S/EX/EX-L trim models Displacement: 2,354 cc (143.6 cu in) Bore and Stroke: 87 mm x 99 mm (3.43 x 3.90 inches) Compression: 10.5:1 Power: 190 @ 7000 rpm Torque: 162 ft•lbf @ 4400 rpm Redline: 7100 rpm Found in: 2009 Acura TSX Displacement: 2,354 cc (143.6 cu in) Bore and Stroke: 87 mm x 99 mm (3.43 x 3.90 inches) Compression: 11.0:1 Power: 201 @ 7000 rpm Torque: 172 ft•lbf (MT), 170 ft•lbf (AT) @ 4300 rpm Redline: 7100 rpm [edit] K24Z5 Found in: 2009+ Honda Spirior Displacement: 2,354 cc (143.6 cu in) Bore and Stroke: 87 mm x 99 mm (3.43 x 3.90 inches) Compression: 10.5:1 Power: 184 @ 6500 rpm (133kw @ 6500 rpm) Torque: 164 ft•lbf @ 4300 rpm (225Nm @ 4300 rpm) Redline: 6800 rpm [edit] K24Z6 Found in: 2010 Honda CR-V (all trim models) Displacement: 2,354 cc (143.6 cu in) Bore and Stroke: 87 mm x 99 mm (3.43 x 3.90 inches) Compression: 10.5:1 Power: 180 @ 6800 rpm Torque: 161 @ 4400 ft•lbf L серия L12A i-DSI Stock L12A i-DSI engine Available exclusively in the European domestic market Jazz (known as Fit in certain markets) and available with only a 5-speed manual transmission. Displacement: 1,246 cc (76.0 cu in) Bore x Stroke: 73.0 mm × 74.4 mm (2.87 in × 2.93 in) Compression Ratio: 10.8:1 Horsepower: 57 kW (78 hp) @ 5700 rpm Torque: 110 N•m (81 lbf•ft) @ 2800 rpm Variations: L12A1 [edit] L12A i-VTEC SOHC 16 valve i-VTEC Displacement: 1,198 cc Inside diameter × stroke: 73.0 × 71.58 Horsepower: 66kW (90PS) / 6,200 rpm Torque: 114N m (11.2kg m) / 4,900 rpm CO2 emission: 125g/km Honda Jazz (Germany / India) [edit] L13A i-DSI L13A i-DSI Sold as a 1.3 in the Japanese Fit and only available with the standard CVT. European version marketed as a 1.4 for the Jazz and City, and available with either 5-speed manual or CVT with 7-speed mode. Use in Australia Jazz GLi (base model) with 5-speed manual or stardand CVT. Available in other markets as well. European Civic 1.4 i-DSI has a standard 6-speed manual with an available 6-speed automated manual I-SHIFT transmission. For 7gen Civic, City, Fit & Jazz Displacement: 1,339 cc (81.7 cu in) Bore x Stroke: 73.0 mm × 80.0 mm (2.87 in × 3.15 in) Compression Ratio: 10.8:1 Horsepower: 63 kW (84 ps) @ 5700 rpm Torque: 119 N•m (88 lbf•ft) @ 2800 rpm Variations: L13A1 (Fit/Jazz), L13A7 (European market Civic), L13A8 (European market City) For 8gen Civic Displacement: 1,339 cc (81.7 cu in) Bore x Stroke: 73.0 mm × 80.0 mm (2.87 in × 3.15 in) Horsepower: 70 kW (95 ps) Torque: 130 N•m (91 lbf•ft) CO2 emission: 109g/km (for the Honda Civic Hybrid) [edit] L13A i-VTEC SOHC 16 valve i-VTEC Displacement: 1,339 cc Inside diameter × stroke: 73.0 × 80.0 Horsepower: 73kW (100PS) / 6,000 rpm Torque: 127N m (13.kg m) / 4,800 rpm Honda Fit (Japan series GE6 / GE7) [edit] L15A i-DSI Available in the Fit Aria, Mobilio, and Partner in Japan. Offered in the Fit/Jazz and City in certain countries. Displacement: 1,496 cc (91.3 cu in) Bore x Stroke: 73.0 mm × 89.4 mm (2.87 in × 3.52 in) Compression Ratio: 10.8:1(10.5:1 Thailand spec.) Horsepower: 66 kW (89 ps) @ 5500 rpm (88 ps Thailand spec, 77 ps India spec.) Torque: 131 N•m (97 lbf•ft) @ 2700 rpm Unleaded 91 octane fuel(Thailand spec.) [edit] L15A VTEC Stock L15A1-VTEC engine Available in the Fit, Fit Aria, Airwave, Mobilio, and Mobilio Spike in Japan. Sold throughout the world with 5-speed manual or CVT options in the Fit/Jazz and City. Canadian and US Fit models will have a 5-speed automatic instead of the CVT. Displacement: 1,496 cc (91.3 cu in) Bore x Stroke: 73.0 mm × 89.4 mm (2.87 in × 3.52 in) Compression Ratio: 10.4:1 Horsepower: 81 kW (109 ps) @ 5800 rpm Torque: 143 N•m (105 lbf•ft) @ 4800 rpm Variations: L15A1 (Fit/Jazz) [edit] L15A (i-VTEC) SOHC 16 valve i-VTEC Displacement: 1,496 cc Inside diameter × stroke: 73.0 × 89.4 Compression: 10.2 : 1 Horsepower: 88kW (120PS) / 6,600 rpm Torque145N m (14.8kg m) / 4,800 rpm (GE8 fit) Honda Fit (Japan series GE8 / 9) Honda Freed (Japan series GB3 / 4) Honda Aria (Japan series GM2) [edit] LDA (i-DSI + pause-cylinder i-VTEC) SOHC 8 valve cylinder i-DSI + pause i-VTEC Displacement: 1,339 cc Inside diameter × stroke: 73.0 × 80.0 Horsepower: 65kW (88PS) / 5,800 rpm Torque 121N m (12.3kg m) / 4,500 rpm Honda Insight (ZE2) sedan [edit] LDA (i-DSI +3 stage i-VTEC) SOHC 8 valve i-DSI +3 stage i-VTEC Displacement: 1,339 cc Inside diameter × stroke: 73.0 × 80.0 Horsepower: 70kW (95PS) / 6,000 rpm Torque: 123N m (12.5kg m) / 4,600 rpm Honda Civic Hybrid (FD3) N серия: N22A2 Specifications Bore & Stroke: 85.0mm x 97.1mm Cylinder Layout: inline 4 Displacement: 2204 cc Valve Configuration: 16 valve DOHC Type: i-CTDi Compression ratio: 16.7:1 Max boost: 13.5 PSI (0.93 BAR) Max power: 140 hp @ 4000 rpm Max torque: 251 ft•lbf @ 2000 rpm Redline: 4500rpm N22A DOHC 16 valve (2,204 cc inside diameter × stroke: 85.0 × 97.1) Compression ratio 16.7 Specification Reference: 103 kW (140PS) / 4,000 rpm 340Nm (34.7kgm) / 2,000 rpm (CN1 Accord) Accord (CN1) Accord Tourer (CN2) FR-V: (Edix in Japan) (BE5) CR-V (ED9/RE6) Civic (FK3 / FN3) [edit] N22B N22A to the rear of the exhaust, N22B has changed its front exhaust. The stroke also reduces emissions below the 2.2-liter. DOHC 16 valve (2,199 cc inside diameter × stroke: 85.0 × 96.9) Compression ratio 16.3 Specification Reference: 110 kW (150PS) / 4,000 rpm 350Nm (35.7kgm) / 2,000 rpm Corresponding Euro5 P серия P07A I-DSI SOHC 6 valves Displacement: 658cc Inside diameter × stroke: 71.0 × 55.4 Horsepower: 38kW (52PS) / 7,100 rpm Torque: 60N m (6.1kg m) / 3,600 rpm (JC1 Life) Honda Life (JC1 / 2) Honda Zest (JE1 / 2) [edit] P07A (turbo version) I-DSI turbocharged SOHC 6 valves Displacement: 658cc Inside diameter × stroke: 71.0 × 55.4 Specification Reference: 47kW (64PS) / 6,000 rpm Torque: 93N m (9.5kg m) / 4,000 rpm (JC1 Life) Honda Life (JC1 / 2) Honda Zest (JE1 / 2) [edit] Vehicles were equipped with [edit] P07A Honda Life (JB5 / 6) Honda Zest (JE1 / 2) [edit] P07A (turbo version) Honda Life (JB7 / 8) Honda Zest (JE1 / 2) R серия R16A Found in: 2007- Honda Civic (Singapore Local Market FD4,Egypt,Turkey) Displacement: 1,595 cc (97.3 cu in) Compression: 10.5:1 Bore & stroke: 81.0 mm × 77.4 mm (3.19 in × 3.05 in) Power: 125 PS (92 kW; 123 bhp) @ 6200 rpm Net horsepower Torque: 15.6 kgf•m (151 N•m (111 ft•lbf)) @ 4200 rpm Net [edit] R18 R18A [edit] R18A1 Found in: 2006+ Honda Civic (JDM FD1, American-market FA1 and FG1) Displacement: 1,799 cc (109.8 cu in) Compression: 10.5:1 Bore & stroke: 81.0 mm × 87.3 mm (3.19 in × 3.44 in) Power: 140 PS (103 kW; 138 bhp) @ 6300 rpm (Japanese Spec) Torque: 17.7 kgf•m (174 N•m (128 ft•lbf)) @ 4300 rpm [edit] R18A2 Found in: 2007- Honda Civic (European-market FN1 & FK2) Displacement: 1,799 cc (109.8 cu in) Compression: 10.5:1 Bore & stroke: 81.0 mm × 87.3 mm (3.19 in × 3.44 in) Power: 140 PS (103 kW; 138 bhp) @ 6300 rpm Torque: 17.7 kgf•m (174 N•m (128 ft•lbf)) @ 4300 rpm [edit] R20 [edit] R20A1 Found in: 2007- Honda CR-V (RE1, RE2) Displacement: 1,997 cc (121.9 cu in) Compression: 10.5:1 Bore & stroke: 81.0 mm × 96.9 mm (3.19 in × 3.81 in) Power: 150 PS (110 kW; 148 bhp) @ 6200 rpm Torque: 19.4 kgf•m (190 N•m (140 ft•lbf)) @ 4200 rpm [edit] R20A2 Found in: 2007- Honda CR-V (RE5) Displacement: 1,997 cc (121.9 cu in) Compression: 10.5:1 Bore & stroke: 81.0 mm × 96.9 mm (3.19 in × 3.81 in) Power: 150 PS (110 kW; 148 bhp) @ 6200 rpm Torque: 19.4 kgf•m (190 N•m (140 ft•lbf)) @ 4200 rpm [edit] R20A3 Found in: 2008- Honda Accord (CP1) Displacement: 1,997 cc (121.9 cu in) Compression: 10.5:1 Bore & stroke: 81.0 mm × 96.9 mm (3.19 in × 3.81 in) Power: 156 PS (115 kW; 154 bhp) @ 6300 rpm Torque: 19.3 kgf•m (189 N•m (139 ft•lbf)) @ 4300 rpm Пфууууууууу цялата азбука Някой да помогне с подредбата ако има нужда извадих си очите П.п може да позачистите преди мен .
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