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Всичко публикувано от Clabbe

  1. Renovating a set of Type R brake calipers and want to change the bleeding nipple and the banjo bolts on them. Where can you get them in Sofia? Bleeding nipple should be M10x1.25 and the banjo bolt M10x1.00
  2. A few more details have been added over the past few months and during the vacation Universal mudflaps New blue front emblem Honda OEM roofrack Installed a 12 LED lightbar for the upcoming winter - 60w - 3 LED on each side as flood and 6 in the middle as spot And a vacation pic from the west coast of Estonia
  3. Ok Guys, next week then? Tuesday 5th July at the EKO station as usual? I work closer these days (Hipodruma) so I can be there fairly after 19
  4. Almost in July now... Anyone feel like meeting up and talk trash/share ideas?
  5. A few more updates has happened in the past days.. First the wink mirror was to close to my eyes, so changing focus really hurt the head. Decided to make new, longer brackets, to move the mirror further away and make it easier on the eyes. I have to say big thanks and credits to @Кръчмонавта who helped me to change the exhaust manifold that I had wrapped in heat wrap the evening before. A pretty fast and easy installation as my bolts were hardly corroded at all. Noticeable change in the register with larger bore, comparing to the McD straws that are OEM. Got tired of the red H in the front and decided to try Gold colored with white background - a new has been ordered however -. so this is just for looks at the moment. Also decided to get rid of the numberplate relocator as someone decided to steal one of the two Skunk2 washers that held the plate in place. Installed a small button for the horn on the deep dish steering wheel as it is much faster to reach with the thumb rather then pressing the middle horn button. Yet again, I have to give thanks and credits to @Кръчмонавта for soldering the wire to the horn button. Had to dremmel up one of the holes in the spoke as it is 11mm and the button is 11.25mm. Now it is much easier to use the horn.
  6. Decided to change my broadway mirror to something that allows me to see everything behind me..
  7. Some minor updates have happened with the car.. Decided to update the taillights to make them more suitable to the car color with some tint spray from Bricolage.. Went to Japan for two weeks and brought a demon with me for the mirror Bought new wheels, 17x7" Dotz Brand Hatch Installed an upper strut brace for a EP3 Changed to a deep dish wheel instead for better feeling and changed the previously installed LED clock to a smaller in red color to fit the rest of the dash. Added +5 JDM point with a shoshinsa airfreshner Got hold of a used Toyosports 4-1 extractor for 100 leva from UK
  8. Ahh, well, I would prefer recommendation as I have seen some horrid examples at some car washes here. At one place, the guy opened the doors of the car BMW X5, and simply used the power wash inside on the doors
  9. Wash inside/outside, cleaning/washing of seats, rubbing, waxing and polishing (= recondition)
  10. Need to have the car completely reconditioned, outside and inside. Anyone who can recommend a company/person who does a good job? All info is helpful!
  11. Since my dog is a little devil and like to protest when left alone, she decided to chew off the strings that lifts the parcel shelf when owning the boot. Now, since a new parcel shelf cost more than a blowjob from a prostitute, I decided to fix it myself. A lug nut, some nylon string and a larger diameter cable terminal does the trick
  12. Checked with Dunev and unfortunately they could not help me as they don´t have a pillar drill.. But I got a name and address of a guy who could do it
  13. Thx for the recommendation.. Will check with them tomorrow.
  14. Hopefully my try to write a BG title on this topic make any sense Drove to the EM Komplekt service in Druzhba on friday to have a four wheel alignment on my car, since I have changed shock absorbers, lowering springs and all the tamponi in the front of the car. Left the place after 30 minutes and 32 leva. After I had driven 100m I notice that the car is now pulling left and is not going straight at all. It didn´t pull to the left before I let them do the alignment. They took it back in again, screwed on it again and this time it is pulling to the right instead. After wasting almost 2 hours at the service they try to blame and say that the front wheels are not balanced (something I had done last week). In the end they paid me back my money and I had lost hours of my time. Can anyone recommend a place that can do a proper job in Sofia?
  15. Mini discs would work as well.. the only question I have there is that they are a bit thinner than OEM discs. 22-20mm against the OEM which is 25-23mm, how would that impact the brake power?
  16. Yes, cheapest and easiest would be to get Scenic discs, more models than the 2.0 turbo, has 300mm discs and the thickness closest to the FN discs. Only difference would be that the PCD is 61 so would need to lathing it up to 64.2 as well as I would need to compensate for the offset difference. But I would need recommendation on workshops in Sofia that could help me with either re-drilling (which I would be able to do myself if I got hold of a pillar drill) or to lathing up the Scenic discs.. As I ave noticed, there is a lot of shit places that does a shitty job, unfortunately
  17. I´ve spoken to a few of my old Колега from the Honda club back in Sweden. Mainly with those who drive a lot of track with their daily or race cars. And they have all said the same - There is not a problem to re-drill brake discs in terms of strength or risk for cracking and you can do it by hand.
  18. Decided to change the clocks to a different color which won´t be so disturbing while driving at night.. Light is stronger than pics show though - shitty camera phone Decided to throw in a clock as well as it was missing in my car Bought some better brakes that will be installed eventually - but first to be cleaned, renovated and painted Ordered the Cobra bra from eBay and had it delivered with UPS in 3 days - most impressive delivery ever (based in Turkey) In Swedish we have the expression "uglybeautiful" - That´s what it is
  19. How would this unbalance the disc? Are you thinking of the extra mass that is removed when drilling and the rotation force? As the disc is centered on the hub that wouldn´t be a problem really, as well as it is centered by the screws
  20. I have had so much help through this forum it is amazing! Thx everyone.. Now I need to find someone who can re-drill brake discs. I bought Type R brakes/discs that are 5x114.3 and mine is 4x100 so need to have them re-drilled according to the attached pics. Anyone have any recommendations on this?
  21. Battery ground cables upgraded to 24/32mm2 and BMC CDA homemade CAI installed
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